Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween, like every year no activity. Oh well, maybe I'll go trick o treating again in the future. Last time I went to one was when I was 12 at Stonestown. It was awesome.

I have a research paper to do. 6 pages minimum, I didn't even start. College applications are due soon, I need to get going with that, and write personal statements. ahhh man friend told me they changed the prompts. That means I can't steal someone's and use it.

People need to learn how to fucken park. Such a big ass space and still need to move back and forth 758345238945 times and still can't go in. Ridiculous. Also people driving on the far left lane going 65-70 need to gtfo. There's a reason why it's called the fast lane, not the turtle lane..