Monday, March 15, 2010

KEVIN you're spreading your disease! STOP IT

Last week, Wednesday-Friday I didn't have class at Skyline so I had pretty good sleep those few days. Today I start at 9:10, however I for some reason caught Kevin's germs and missed my alarm clock. I woke up at 8:35 and was like fuck, I'm gonna be late. Unlike Kevin, I DID kinda brush my teeth and wash my face. Of course not fully but at least I had the effort to do it. Kevin just went to school without brushing up!! lol I didn't get to eat anything, and wasn't really dressed properly. I was probably half shaved and didn't put on any lotion. I managed to leave the house at 8:50 and arrive to school 1 minute late =]

Then at badminton, the coach was giving me a hard time. We had to run 5 minutes as warm up then he arrange teams to play. There's about 25 students and he grouped 16 students to play in singles. The rest had to run once around the track, I was one of them. There's this long path before the tracks, so I walked it, and ran once around the track. Then when I went back, he said he saw me and that I walked it, so me and all the other clowns who walked down had to run another one. But he said run around the track!, not starting from that path. So I did run anyway, cause he's such a bitch. After that, played 2 rounds of badminton.

When I arrived to CCSF I was dead tired and starving. Rm 324 probably heard my stomach scream, but oh well, I finished a few problems. I gotta start bringing snacks. I usually stay 1 hour after class, but I just went home for food. I'll stay on Wednesday again. What a day...


whale said...

you got caught for slacking, better pick it up dood.

and running is good for you!

kevin said...

LOLLL, i come back to do it, because brushing my teeth and washing my face will wait for me but class will not! and i rather look like shit after that class so when i go home after that 1 hour, i feel more cozy yet clean =) and you must have gotten a really comfy bed, because if you didn't those aren't germs! LOLLL =P