Thursday, July 29, 2010

hello! blog, forgot you existed

i hate it when people give me bad direction/signals when i'm driving. you don't say "go this way", and point your damn figure to the left or right. i'm freaken driving, how am i suppose to know what "this way" is which way. i have to freaken look over to your fckin finger to see the direction your pointing to, risking that split second that something might happen as i turn my head over. how hard is it to say "turn left next block" or "turn right next light". AND don't talk on the phone or to someone when i dunno where the hell we're going. you'll start complaining that i missed this block or this exit when it's not even my fault. SOMEBODY was too busy yapping their mouth instead of telling me where to go... so just make it straightforward and simple, so i don't have to get frustrated and yell. good thing i'm a safe and skilled driver. hehe

1 comment:

kevin said...

sexterity! [dexterity] muahahaha!