Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Physics midterm. Second one, if I fail this, I might end up dropping this class too. Planning to cut Ochem lab to study, since there's no lab tomorrow anyways. I feel like I won't do well.

I can't believe it... Sigh

Monday, March 23, 2009

Around 5, I met up with Kevin, Amy, George, Heidi, Yong, Ronald, and Eric at the Mexican place on Ocean. Everyone bought something, so I decided to test my teeth, and I bought Green Salad. I have to say it was pretty difficult to eat it, but I miss my vegetable. Haven't eaten any in the past 3 days. Then at dinner, I ate tofu with rice. Lots of tofu so I can just swallow it. But at a point, I think I chewed the food with my right side and somehow it moved the thread from the stitches so I was in pain. It just stopped. It hurt so badly I took the pain killers an hour earlier. Lasted like 3 minutes, right after when everyone left...

I'll try not to chew with my right side. Only the bottom right side is hurting. The other 3 is fine. Sigh..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hmm lost a few pounds these 2 days. Good thing or bad thing? I've been drinking liquid only these 2 days. Today it sucked. Everyone in my family had a plate full of food. I was just holding a drink. =/ I think I'm getting better, I'm trying to chew with the left side.

Time to take pain killers again... Bye =)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Took them out. Feeling the pain right now. Still bleeding... Anyways it was some experience. They gave me nitrous gas, I didn't feel anything effect from the nitrous gas when they were taking out my first tooth. The doctor showed me the first one... I was like what's the point of using it, and it cost me $100. But when the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th came. I was all high. I didn't get a boner like what Ron said, but it was pretty intense. I didn't feel my whole body, the whole view was like paused. When the doctor said "Feel any pain" I was like "fuck" the high feeling went away. Then after a few minutes I was back in that zone again. LoL.

I love you Amy, I love you Ronald, I love you Xiao. Thanks for the help.

One heck of an experience. Hopefully I can go out tomorrow. I can't wait. =D

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yikes, March 20th, 2009, 2323 Noriega Ave, 2:30PM is my appointment. bye wisdom teeth. I wonder how I'll be feeling after the extraction. I can sorta sense the pain. I know I won't be able to eat solid food for about a week. Jamba Juice or Shakes will be my lifesavers for the next week.

goddamn they better provide pain killers, or I'll be dead -_-

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dropped my cell bio class. Still not doing so well in my other classes. *Sigh* Feel like an idiot, what is going on with this semester...

Mon: OChem2 11-12,Phys w/Cal2 12-1
Tues: Engl 9:45-11, OChem2Lab 11-1:30,PhysLab 2-4
Wed: OChem2 11-12, Phys w/Cal 2 12-1
Thurs: Engl 9:45-11, OChem2 Lab 11-1
Fri: OChem2 11-12, Phys w/Cal2 12-1
Sat: Piano1 9-11:30

Again.. I'm isolated, I don't care anymore, fuck...

Monday, March 16, 2009

This weekend was pretty fun and relaxing. I didn't do any homework. Friday, I came home from school all pissed because I received my ochem midterm back and I got a C. One of the person I know who study really hard got a D. So I dunno, ochem sucks. My A is officially gone. I'm happy if I receive a B. I don't understand the material. Played some games and started watching this reality show (10 episodes) on Mtv.com It's pretty good, lots of hot chicks. I finished it today and I'm happy with the winner. At night I was happy, everyone came to visit my house. They watched a movie while I was installing warcraft 3, and played a few games. Someone said I smell like Britney Spears perfume. I like that lol, I like Britney, but it's strange that I(guy) smell like perfume. lol.

Saturday, went to walk/jog at City college track after my piano midterm. Some of the performance were really good. I screwed up my triads, she said "I slipped by".. I walked 2.5 laps and jogged 1.5 in jeans. I wasn't expecting to walk/jog. Then went home and met up later and played pool, it went by fast. Then went to Ihop. We formed a circle outside the parking lot and was standing there for an hour deciding what to do. Finally we went to pier 7 and checked out the view.

Sunday, cemetery with whole family from my mom's side. Visit my grandpa's grave. Next week is going to with my dad's side. My grandma's grave. That's it.

I'm tired, time to sleep. goodnight. =]

Friday, March 13, 2009

I've recently written this poem for my English class. I think it sucks but I would like to share it =O

Every morning you wake up late and rush,
Then you run to the bathroom to hurry up and brush,
Throwing shirts, jeans, and socks all around the room,
You went to the kitchen for breakfast but couldn’t find a spoon,
You tried not to eat so maybe it will compensate
For the time missed, so you won’t be late.
You saw your dad sitting on the couch,
He tried to talk to you but you ignored and gave him a grouch,
Running all around, to gather everything in the place,
But still got breakfast ready then went to tie your shoelace.
You quickly slammed the door to make sure it’s locked.
The only thing you forgot is to set the big old alarm clock.

This happens to me at least 3 times a week...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

currently my favorite piano piece
I love the series also, thanks Pages of Treasure


Monday, March 2, 2009

Fuck my life. I ain't superman. I received two of my exams back, both failed. Literally. 15/70 cell bio, 6/20 physics, I get to retake physics exam. I'm not understanding anything in cell bio, time to drop that mother fucker and take it at city during fall.

I just went to clement, to this dental place. Checked for wisdom teeth, it will cost me $3000 if my insurance won't cover the removal. I'm sure my mom's insurance will. They're taking all four of my wisdom teeth out on the same day. Pain. Fuck my life.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yay! Finally relaxed these 2 days from a torturing week. I loved it! =)