Wednesday, January 20, 2010

random blog

Before school started, I always couldn't wait for school to begin. But then now I realize I'm going to have quite a bit of work. I won't have time to finish watching all those movies I downloaded from I wish break last 1 more week. Lucky Eric! I was struggling on which bio class to take. A night class that's worth 3 units, or a harder bio class with 4 units (that has a lab) during the day. I've decided to take the day class, just so I don't have to waste an extra $5 of gas each time I go back to skyline. Check my AIM info for my schedule.

Tuesday: You know how some shirts say "I love black people". I must say, I love white people. Yesterday I took a nap during the afternoon, woke up at 6:50 and realize I had an orientation for my C++ class at 7. When I got to the ccsf parking lot, I was surprised how packed it was. I stopped at an aisle, then a cute white girl walked down and pointed me to move back to take her spot. I did, and as she got out, she wanted to hand me her $3 parking pass she paid. So nice of her =] Told her I already have a parking permit.

Wednesday: Omg today I had the hardest time finding my Differential Equations class at city. So I arrived at city at 11:55, of course no parking. I parked at the lower part of the front parking lot. Last semester my sister took Calc 1 and she walked to the bungalows in front. I went there and they were the 200s, my class was in the 600s. I checked the map again and the 600-700 bungalows were behind the stadium. Took me a while to figure out how to get behind it. Down to the 1st floor of Batemale, and a parking lot was there. Sigh, I parked so far away. I'm parking in the back next time. Then I saw the 700s, not 600s. I had to ask the officer where the 600s were. It was across the streets -.- It was 12:30 when I finally reach class LOL. What a day... That's what I get for not being prepared and organized. I've just gotten more and more sloppy lately..

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wow finally reached my 100th post.

Anyway, I'm really pissed off. You can say I'm pissed off at my mom. So my cousin is getting married the end of this month. She is somewhat a bitchy type and gives lots of attitude. I seriously feel bad for my soon to be cousin-in-law cause she's definitely not right for him, don't want to gossip about her. Sooo, she's getting married but my mom out of no where, without my approval, agreed to lend my BMW for their wedding so they don't have to spend extra money on renting a nice car. WTH, who the hell uses a black car for wedding. I've seen white and silver, but not black. It's an SUV too, they're gonna have a hard time climbing in and out cause I'm sure they will be making many stops. Argghhh wtf, I'm hiding my keys. I'm not letting no asshole drive my car. I don't care if she bitch at me, she's not riding in it.

Just venting..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I am sick of this city. Is it really THAT boring here or am I the boring one? Yea I think it's just me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!