Wednesday, January 20, 2010

random blog

Before school started, I always couldn't wait for school to begin. But then now I realize I'm going to have quite a bit of work. I won't have time to finish watching all those movies I downloaded from I wish break last 1 more week. Lucky Eric! I was struggling on which bio class to take. A night class that's worth 3 units, or a harder bio class with 4 units (that has a lab) during the day. I've decided to take the day class, just so I don't have to waste an extra $5 of gas each time I go back to skyline. Check my AIM info for my schedule.

Tuesday: You know how some shirts say "I love black people". I must say, I love white people. Yesterday I took a nap during the afternoon, woke up at 6:50 and realize I had an orientation for my C++ class at 7. When I got to the ccsf parking lot, I was surprised how packed it was. I stopped at an aisle, then a cute white girl walked down and pointed me to move back to take her spot. I did, and as she got out, she wanted to hand me her $3 parking pass she paid. So nice of her =] Told her I already have a parking permit.

Wednesday: Omg today I had the hardest time finding my Differential Equations class at city. So I arrived at city at 11:55, of course no parking. I parked at the lower part of the front parking lot. Last semester my sister took Calc 1 and she walked to the bungalows in front. I went there and they were the 200s, my class was in the 600s. I checked the map again and the 600-700 bungalows were behind the stadium. Took me a while to figure out how to get behind it. Down to the 1st floor of Batemale, and a parking lot was there. Sigh, I parked so far away. I'm parking in the back next time. Then I saw the 700s, not 600s. I had to ask the officer where the 600s were. It was across the streets -.- It was 12:30 when I finally reach class LOL. What a day... That's what I get for not being prepared and organized. I've just gotten more and more sloppy lately..

1 comment:

amy said...

it's only the first week! give yourself some time to get used to it.