Saturday, March 13, 2010

Looks like I'm going to have a pretty decent Spring Break. I can't wait =] So from March 26-28 we're doing either plan A or plan B. I'm cool with either one.

Then I'll be going down to LA, Irvine and San Diego with my sister and parents on April 2-4. It's pretty well planned by my sister. My mom has some friends at LA and San Diego, and she wants to visit them because she haven't seen them for 20 years. Only by phone contacts. I have to visit some schools and want to enjoy a short vacation with my family. Our last vacation was 6 years ago when we went to Reno. We're going to leave on Thursday night and arrive on Friday morning. (I'm skipping skyline's classes). Then we're gonna get food with my mom's LA friends and go shopping around LA. I also want to get a massage there, and eat, eat, eat. We're gonna check in our hotels, then on Saturday we're gonna visit UC Irvine, and then meet up with my mom's San Diego friends, eat and visit UC San Diego. They live a few blocks away from UC San Diego. Chill around there for a while and then head back to the hotel. On Sunday we're gonna check out, probably visit UCLA, more food and then head back home.

1 comment:

recipes said...

sounds like a well thought out plan. good job to annie. ok when you are at LA you have to visit huntington beach, its really nice. maybe you can visit the SD Zoo. i heard it's really cool. i don't know if you'll have to time though.