Saturday, November 1, 2008

weekly report...

Monday, I felt really tired, I didn't want to go to school because I just had an awesome weekend - bowling, bonfire, beach, volleyball. Anyways time have to pass. I went to Calculus took some notes then went to Statics. I felt happy yet anxious because I knew the prof would pass back the exam that was taken on Friday. Finally she passed the exam back, and holy moly, there was only 2 A's and 2 B's, 3 C's 7 D's and 2 F's, and there was also a 5 point boost to everyone's grade. Surprisingly I got a B,84. I was sooooo happy I IMed Eric during my break and offered to treat him to lunch. I'm top 4 in one of my hardest class. I was soo happy. Well, I wanted to eat Ono's but when we got there, it was too expensive so we went to Quiznos, bought a foot long for 5 bucks. Eric wasn't full so he flipped a coin, head buy another one, tails leave. So we ended up buying another foot long, so I didn't really treat him to lunch. Then we went to Ross and Big 5. Eric was eager to play tennis so he bought a tennis racket. We later went to my house and did some homework.

Tuesday, English was stupid. I totally didn't expect a quiz, NOR an ESSAY. Fuck. The quiz was on something I didn't even know that was assigned. Probably 85% of the class left the quiz blank. Then there was an Essay, hella people were complaining that no such topic was assigned. No body knew about the topic, he just told us to read some packet, and he wanted an essay on it. I just BSed the whole class that day. It was about world midset, I just wrote some crap about how America is in a fixed mindset because America is not willing to learn new stuff. Iono what I wrote. Damn, I might end up dropping the damn class again.

Wednesday, I forgot what I did. I just went to class, got home and did my homework. Eric kept on talking about his "fantasy basketball stuff" and he wants to beat Edwin this season because Edwin won last season.

Thursday, haha, wow English midterm. This I knew about and I studied for it. BUT WTF 8 PAGES LONG. No one finished. At least 4 of those pages contained coming up with a sentence that has this and that comma rule, or this and that subordinator. It was like hell. In Ochem I didn't understand chapter 7 at all. I finally asked my prof about the End-of-Chapter problems, and she said we didn't cover that yet. Everyone else was still working on Chapter 6 stuff and preparing for the quiz. I guess I was moving too fast. I should just slow down. After school, Me and Eric decided to play tennis. He wanted to test out his racket. We both sucked. I got tired really easily. After a while, I suggested to play basketball. Then we went to my house and did homework. Somehow, I saw Eric looking at his Fantasy basketball stuff and it looked really interesting. So I joined him lol. Season started Tuesday so I'm 2 days behind, and my points are 200 away from Eric. Based on what Eric said, I can always catch up. It was a lot of strategy to play. He knew most of the players and he know the stats to each one. So he pretty much built my team. I have to give that credit to him, if my team ever beat his lol. I just finished off my Statics

Friday, It was freaken boring. I know I don't do any homework on Friday, and it's Halloween. I talked with Eric during my whole break. And I got Simon and George to go to the park with us after we get something to eat. We went to Hawaiian BBQ on Mission and then went to the park. I was raining for a little then it stopped. I didn't want to go to Quartermania because she was busy. So we just played tennis and basketball. Basketball, we played tips. George and Simon got tipped out first, and then Eric won. Then tennis, it was so tiring this time because we had 4 people. Each person run to a corner to get the balls. We played for a fair 2 hours and then I went home with Eric. I just watched some TV and played Wii. I couldn't believe that I'm at home on a Halloween night so I IMed Amy. She suggested bowling. Eric couldn't go because he wanted to be home. I felt hella tired also, I didn't want to go. Amy made this face "=(, I'll let you think about it". So I went out at 11, bowled with Amy, George, Simon, and Stephanie. It was pretty darn fun bowling at night. We bowled 3 games, and Amy won 2, I won the last one. It was like me and Amy competing. First game I scored 88, she scored 91. Second game I scored 115, she scored 116. Last game I scored 144, she scored 137. If I count the total pins hit, I beat her by 3 pins. As usual my average is about the same at 115.67. The fun part about the night was during the second game, I was leading by like 30 points. Out of nowhere, Amy was like "did you know that we made a bet earlier in the game, that who ever wins this game buys everyone dessert" I was like "OHHH when did we make a met, lol". "now you know, so you're getting the dessert". Something like that, I finished my frame with 115. She had 90 something, so she bowled, got a spare and then striked that last one. LOL she won by 1. I was like "what about dessert?" She laughed and pushed me. It was really fun. Last game everyone did good. I got 144, Amy 137, George 133. Other 2 forgot, lol. Then we went to IHOP at like 1:30, and left at 2:15. BOY can Amy eat. She bought this Smoking something breakfast. It was HUMUNGOUS, I wouldn't be able to finish it, not even half. She ate like 90% of it. Very slowly too lol. George kept putting hella sugar in his coffee. Crazy guy, coffee at midnight. I kept trying to trick him to put salt in his coffee, but he's way smarter than that. So yea, that was my Halloween night. It was great. Thanks Amy, she's awesome. Made my day.

Saturday, today, I was expecting to basketball and swim with Eric, Andrew, Simon, George, Edmund and Yong. UNFORTUNATELY at 8:30AM my mom called and said that it is raining at the flea market, so we need to go to Sacramento to get some stuff. I was not happy. But it was ok, I didn't want her to go with my dad. My dad's not that strong and he won't be tall enough to get the boxes that's stacked up high. It was raining like hell. We got there, went to some Post Office to get new keys for a P.O. Box because we bought a new house there. We checked out the new house again, and damn I like it. My uncle is spending like 50k to upgrade the materials and other stuff. Even each corner of the house too Marvelous. Then we got the stuff and left. Along the way home, there was at least 10 accidents. Many of them crashing into the trees and the ramp. The other cars kept splashing water on our car + the rain, so my mom was driving 40-60 back home. Took us 2 hours and 20 minutes. Usually 1 hour and 30 minutes if driving 75-80. Safety is more important. I checked my stats for Fantasy basketball, and 2 of my dudes did good. The others were bad. I'll try to sell some bad dudes and get better ones. Hopefully catching up Eric at least lol. And here I am, blogging. =)


kevin said...

seems like you're really occupied. lol

ron-ton said...

blog more!