Sunday, October 26, 2008

awesome weekend...

Wednesday, Today was very simple. There wasn't much but just school. I don't remember what I did after school but just did some Ochem, English, and Cal homework. I had to save all Thursday to study for my Statics Exam which was on Friday. Oh yea, MR. LAM TING LUNG didn't IM me for 2 days. I found it strange. This guy always IM me when I'm on. I was so bored, I didn't have anyone to talk to. The boredness was getting into me. I couldn't resist, and I IMed the fat boy. This fool was playing around with me, to see how long I can last without talking to him. Argh. Well I waited 2 days, I guess that's not too long. Hopefully. We pretty much just talked about Youtube stuff and other stuff.

Thursday, As I said, I saved today to study for Statics Exam. So after school, I came home and watch about an hour of stuff and studied. At school, Cal, took notes again. In English was funny. The class ended 30 minutes early because Mr. Bald man needed to go to Kaiser. He took out our class time and went to Kaiser instead. That's good, I can't last seeing him for 3 hours every week and listen to him telling all these random stories. We still haven't learned anything but comma rules. I have a midterm next week and it's all on comma rules. I googled it, and there's no such thing as comma rules. It's just rules on using a comma. Based on his lectures, there are 5 rules, A,B,C,D, and E. I bet this guy just made all these up, and he always act like he knows everything. Like "everyone uses these comma rules, and I am going to teach you how to be a better writer by applying the comma rules". They aren't really comma rules, and it's just another definition on what we usually write. In Ochem, had a Tutorial/Practice Mock Test. It took me about 2 hours to finish. I didn't understand most of them, so this mock test helped. I had to use my notes about 75% of the time. At home, I copied down some notes for Statics. I can use 2 pages of cheat sheet. I was talking to Eric for a while and we planned Friday, actually he/Amy did. We will be bowling then dinner then bonfire.

Friday, today was awesome. I get to see amy again, after 2 weeks since we bowled. This semester is turning out to be fairly great. Last year, we only hung out when Kevin and Ronald was around. During Fall semester, we didn't hang out. Only Christmas. And during Spring, only went bowling once and Ronald was there. I guess Amy didn't know us (me and Eric) as well, so we barely hung out. This semester, we almost go hang out every week. I love this semester. My work at Sac from my last summer pulled our friendship further apart, this summer bonded us more closely. Good thing I didn't have go to Sac to work again. I missed the July 4 fireworks, Ron's Birthday, and BBQ last year. I made it to every event this summer. So happy. Anyways, today was great. During school, I was really anxious about my Statics Exam, I was worried that I would fail. I didn't even use the cheat sheets I had. I just kept on working on the problems based on how I remember the prof taught it. I think I did well, but iono, it's always bad to predict your score, and if you score lower than expected, then you would be really emo/sad. So I didn't think about it, went home and waited for Eric to come to my house. When he came, we watched a few episode of Foodie 2 Shoes. This show is awesome. It's even funnier than Super Trio Supreme. This show received the best Reality show award last year. They deserved it. Then we Mario Kart with RK. As usual we won both times we played. Then it came to bowling. It was us 2 and 3 girls lol. Heidi, Hiu Mei, and Amy. I did about the same. Same average of 111, with scores 155,116,83,105,87,124. My first game was good. During my first 3 frames, I got a turkey again. Ever since I kept records of my scores since September 08, 155 is my highest. But I think I scored higher than that before. Well this is my new high score for now, and I will try to beat that. Eric bowled really well. He didn't get below 100, and one game, he got 179. 8 spares, 1 strike and a 9 on the last frame. Wow I thought I could beat him but I guess I will try harder. He averaged at 133. He said he dropped by 3 but that's still a good average. Amy did pretty good too, last time she barely made it to the 100's. This time a few of her games were about 110. I was introduced to Heidi, she's really fun to talk to. She loves talking, and most of the time, she picks on Eric. That's funny. Coincidently Yong, Simon, and the 3 bodyguards were at the bowling alley, so we all got dinner at Irving at a Pho place, and went to Safeway for the bonfire. It took us hecka long to decide on what to buy. Amy was the one who picked out most of the stuff. I just walked around with the basket with her. I paid, but everyone chipped in $2.50 for their share. I got everyone's share except Eric's and Amy's, I didn't want to take their shares because to me they are my really close friends. I don't have much friends but I consider I have a decent amount of friends. Eric and Amy are my closest guy/girl friends. Eric with a 14 year chain. During bonfire, all the pits were taken, so we were forced to make a fire on the sand. The fire lasted for a good 1.5 hours until the cops came and put it out. BTW, here's who went to the bonfire, Me, Eric, Amy, Heidi, Hiu Mei, Davin, Yong, Simon, Ann, Andrew and the 3 bodyguards (Alvin, Dennis, Allan). They smoked most of the time. Alvin and Dennis kept on wearing these sunglasses like they were the shit. Sunglasses at night just doesn't click. Before the fire was put out, Me, Eric, and Andrew walked to the Ocean and sorta played around with the water. We stood really close to the water, and waited for the waves to come colliding on us. Whoever moves back first loses. It was pretty fun. Eric and Andrew kept on talking about loving/hating each other which was pretty funny. Had marshmallows and chips. Andrew and Ann left early because of something. I didn't hear why. We went back to our cars, and it was around 11:30. It was kind of early according to Amy, and she wanted to do something. Eric and Davin had to go home because Eric didn't want his mom to be upset, and Davin was getting in trouble. I stayed and rode with Simon. We then went to Nation's. During the trip, Amy didn't know which direction to go, so I pointed Simon where to go and got to Nation's by going on Skyline Drive and turned left on John Daly BLVD. Simon, Yong and I were in a car. Heidi, Hiu Mei and Amy was in her's. Alvin, Dennis, and Allan drove a car. I wanted to go in Amy's car but I don't think they would like it. It was ok, the three of us had a good talk. Cars, Insurance, School, guy talk. If I was in the other car, it would be Guys, Men, and Boys, girl talk lol. At nation's no body wanted anything but the girls. I promised I'll eat with Amy. Amy wanted Pumpkin pie and Heidi wanted fries, so I bought them those. Amy and Heidi kept on trying to pay me, but I didn't take it. They said I'm gentlemen LOL. It's not right taking money for fries if it's just 2 bucks and a pie for 3. That pie was pretty big. Amy ate a little more than half and I barely finished the rest. The 4 (including Hiu) of us kept talking about the 3 bodyguards, how they always smoke and not do anything, and about other stuff that I forgot. The mood died when Dennis came over and started singing. Heidi was the only one who kept telling him to sing this chinese song, and its pretty much just Heidi and him for the last 10 minutes. Alvin, Allan, Simon, and Yong were by a car talking about other stuff. We went home at 1:15ish, and that's pretty much how the day ended.

Saturday, I guess Friday wasn't enough. Amy wanted to hang out Saturday also. Before that, in the morning I went to the park with Eric to play basketball. We kept shooting from opposite ends again, this time we made a shot earlier than last time. I tried some layups and closeup shots. After about 20 minutes, Eric abandoned me and went to the opposite court and played a game with "the kids". I kept staring over at him as I did layups and closeup shots. He didn't touch the ball much, and he was like the "center" guy in a basketball game. I went home after about an hour and went to Yum Cha with my family because it was my dad' birthday. My sister's boss which is my mom's 18 year long friend went and he paid because my mom gave him a lot of business, made lots of money, and also because he wanted to celebrate my dad's birthday. I called up Amy, so we decided to go to the beach. I went home first, to wait for Eric, then we watched a little TV before leaving. Eric wanted to be home by 6 so he went to pick up Davin and I drove to the beach myself. I nearly forgot what street Amy lives on, which is a shame. I parked on 48th, I thought she lived farther away but it's on 46th. I should've parked at her house and just walk down. I went there and saw Amy and Heidi. It was just the 5 of us. Eric and Heidi were digging for Hermit crabs and they found about 6 of them. Eric kept of torturing them by letting the crabs dig and getting it back from the sand. He also fooled the crab by scooping a pile of sand and making the crab dig on the sand he was holding. Me, Davin, and Amy played volleyball. It hella hurt, still do right now. The sand marks are still on my arms. Amy wore her jacket to protect her arms. I was sweating a little. I felt sorry for giving bad serves. Amy served to me most of the time, and they were perfect serves. I ran around to get the ball a lot because Davin kept hitting the ball away from the triangle most of the time. After a while, Eric ran hella far away, like he was emo or something. I ran over to him and then we walked back. He got hella wet. I got wet up to my thighs. The both of us tried to bury our leg at different times and let the wave hit us. It didn't work. I was hoping the watch sunset, but we left and went to Eggettes instead. Everybody was tired, so we didn't talk much at Eggettes. The day ended around 7:30, and I took Heidi home. She likes talking, but I didn't know what to talk about so I just asked about her school and stuff. It was ok, it's our second meeting, and it's going pretty good. And there it goes, the day ended WAY TOO EARLY. I was expecting to watch a movie, or go dinner or something. I just went home, and watch some more TV. Back to the SlimJim zone. Oh I also got my Election Ballot. My aunts kept on telling me to mark this and that. I didn't want to do it so I just left it on my desk. I risk going to jury duty by registering to vote for OBAMA. Sigh, I would be mad if he didn't win. I would be going to jury duty for nothing.

Sunday, I was feeling kind of bored and sad this morning because I can't believe the fun ended so fast. I wanted to hang out more. Why can't everyday be fun like the last 2 days. Why can't we just hang out everyday and not go to school. There's always reasons. I still wanted more so I was thinking in my bed. I have some ideas in mind for the next time we meet. I know Heidi, Yong, and Simon loves to Mahjong. And I have mahjong sets and DDR. DDR I'm sure most of us like. So I was hoping our next meeting can be a BBQ, play Mahjong, and DDR. Eric reminded me that it's not right that so many people's going to Amy's house and BBQ. He suggested to BBQ at Golden Gate Park and play football or something. I will try to talk to Amy within this week and decide if we can/will have a BBQ. Around 10, I had to go to the storage to help my mom to pack some stuff for customers. Came home at 1 after going to Fisherman's Wharf. Had lunch, watched MR. HK 2008, and some ugly guy with small eyes won. Then here I am, typing this blog. This is a pretty long blog, but it consists of 5 days of fun. =)

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