Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wii Fit Thursday...

I took my Cal Exam today. It was a straight-forward Exam. I finished in about 30 minutes but reviewing and checking my answers took a while, so I left when class ended. I really hope I Aced this Exam. This Exam was not difficult at all, and if I do not get an A on this Exam, I will run Lake Merced with Eric on the day I get back the Exam. I'll still run with him even if I Ace it, just iono when, and since I promised. Besides I want to see how beautiful the lake looks and how long the cycle really is. I was suppose to go to Sacramento today because my mom needed to sign some documents for my uncle, and I had to be the guide/translator/driver to Sac. Ended up not going because the documents could be signed here, and faxed there. I went to Borders, prepared to run with Lam, but Aimee had some homework issues, so I tutored her for 2.5 hours instead. Before tutoring, I wanted to check Gamestop because I remember the Gamestop at Stones stock in every Monday-Friday at 1 PM. I still have the $115 from the SPs I traded in. I didn't know what to get, and I really wanted a Wii Fit. I can say, I asked about Wii Fit before for more than 20 times. Today, when I went into Gamestop, the Wii Fit box actually said "Now in Stock". I was so surprised, and I wanted it for a while, so I bought it. Now I have $18 left on credit. Iono what to do with it, I guess I'll wait for something else. The Wii Fit was pretty much free. From all the games I sold on Amazon and traded back to Gamestop, added up to about $180, which were again stuff that were found from my dad's work. Which means my recent games were free: Wii Fit, No More Heroes, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Paper Mario. I feel so lucky, I get all these good games, and I don't even have to spend a penny. Well when I came home, I tried out the Wii Fit. It's DAMN good. So far I like the Yoga, Aerobics, and Balance Games. I pretty much try all the available ones, and played for an hour. I have to play more in order to unlock more games. It sorta worked as of effectiveness, the Yoga got my arms a little sore, and I was sweating from the Hula Hoops and running. The price was quite high, and if I didn't get money from my trade backs, I wouldn't buy such an expensive game. I will try to exercise from it everyday for at least 30 minutes - an hour. I am now 177 lbs, and my goal is to reach 150. I don't care how long it takes me to exercise, but thats my goal and ideal weight. I think I will be playing basketball with Eric tomorrow and also bowling. Saturday I might go to the park and ride some bike. I want to commit on losing this chunk and keep fit. =)

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