Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving break...

This thanksgiving was quite good. too bad it was really short. I am now typing with my new laptop but i don't know if this is a good laptop. for some reason i couldn't connect to the internet when i bring my laptop to my living room. the other laptop i have can, which doesn't make sense, since this is a newer laptop which should have better connection. anyways tuesday i took my ochem exam, wednesday i took my statics exam. i got back my statics exam, 69.5 but still a C, which i expected already because the day before the exam, i was shopping with eric at office depot. i guess i can't blame anything but myself for receiving this grade, oh well. well thursday was freaken boring. i stayed home the whole day, watched transformers (good movie), and some other stuff, and it was thanksgiving. i didn't have turkey this year. i wanted to go to black friday shopping since the beginning of the month. at first eric said he would go but later he think his mom wouldn't like it so i had to wait for his response. by 6 something, my day changed. he IMed me and said he's going. we lined up at 8pm and wait till 5am for bestbuy to open. when we got there, there were about 50 people ahead of us, but by the time the store open, there were like 200 ahead of us which pissed me off. those damn cutters. one thing i didn't know at all, well this was my first time black friday shopping, was that people lined up since tuesday just to get the tickets for the doorbusters, and after they got the tickets, they would go to the back and sell the tickets. someone bought a ticket for a panasonic plasma for $100. CRAZY. this is the only and last year i will be going to black friday shopping. well at least not wait 9 hours and watch people cut in front and take all the tickets. me and eric did end up with a ticket for a toshiba laptop which i guess wasn't a wasted night. these 9 hours we played cards and listened to music. and according to eric, the girl that lined up behind us was really cute. which she was talking on the phone, she had a really sweet voice. eric wanted to invite her to play cards with us but didn't have the guts to. i agree she was really cute. amy called around 3am and she was at the end of the line, but after i got into the store about 6am, i saw her in there already, so i guess everyone gets in by 5am, just people line up for the tickets. eric bought the laptop and a dynex lcd. when i was in there, i first went to the laptop place to ask for laptop, said no because i didn't have a ticket. then i went directly the tv section. i saw samsung and sony for $500, i didn't have a cart that time. so i just grabbed a samsung. people said the sony one was worse, and it didn't have a handle. after i grabbed the samsung, i went to find and cart so i can go back to grab some more for my uncle and eric. but by the time i went back, all the sony and samsung were gone. people were crazy about tvs. i saw transformers on blu ray for $10 but i didn't get it because i don't have a blu ray player and i watched it like 20 hours ago lol. anyways the shit i bought were my HP laptop, logitech 540 speakers from tuesday, then a samsung, a dynex tv, a microwave, toshiba laptop, and like 5 ps2 games. i love the nba game i bought, it really addicting, and i want to play against eric, but my other controller wouldn't work. Saturday i went back to bestbuy to buy a wall mount for the samsung, and damn it was expensive, $200. then we went home to wii with kev and ron. and then sunday was all homework. btw i played an actual 48 minute game Cavaliers vs. Mavericks. i kept on putting lebron james back in the game, and the final score was 200-130 something. lebron got 74 points 14 rebounds 15 assists 5 steals 2 turnover. it was really fun. that add up to like 130 something tsnp, i wish lebron gave me that amount when i still had him in fantasy basketball. well this is my break, and it is the best one yet. i hope to have better one haha. cya

1 comment:

ron-ton said...

So tell me again what you got for black Friday?