Sunday, January 25, 2009

lunar new year!

School started on Tuesday. Every class went well, and so far I'm enjoying my English class (subject I not good in) probably because my other 3 are too hard. Physics, O-Chem, and Cell Biology. What crazy mother fucker would take these 3 major science classes at the same time. Well, I hope I can do well in these classes. Oh Piano was cool, but a little more than half the class are retired folks. I might be the youngest one.

[Friday, January 23, 2009]
After school, I wasn't sure if AAEK were hanging out so I didn't call them. I'm so glad E called by the time I was around Milbrae. So I went to Kevin's house and EK cooked for us. I think Amy did too. Thank You. We ate Quesidilla I think, and Tortilla chips with spinach dip. Amy picked a pretty damn good movie, but she had to leave for Ortho appointment when we were about a quarter into the movie. Also watched Jackie Chan's Supercop. I saw this before in Cantonese, it's funny seeing it in English, Tupac song lol. Then Amy came back, and I forgot what we did, at one point Eric was sleeping in Kevin's bed and Ann and Amy were sleeping on the sofa. I was just watching what Kevin was doing. I left for family dinner, which sucked! so badly, don't want to get into deal here, so much to say. Just went home and Tokbox I think.

[Saturday, January 24, 2009]
Went to Kevin's at 6, and messed around with his new webcam. Then had dinner with Andrew, Amy, Eric, Xiao, and Kevin at this Vegetarian place. Went back to Kevin's and chatted for a while. Had some high school memories. Gave 10s to a few people. Eric left around 11. We went to Classic and was suppose to bowl, but the wait was too long, so we went to Nations. It was fun watching Kevin and Xiao joke around. It was about 1 so I pretty much lost all my energy and didn't say much. And it was freaken cold. During dinner, at Kevin's, and Classic parking lot, I was actually talking a lot. I'm usually silent, but I guess this is a good change. Fucken Edmund kept rolling backwards at the light. He was 3 inches from hitting me. I didn't want to reverse but that short-ass made me. His car is stronger but I dusted him at Junipero Serra going into the freeway, he stopped at the light, I ran the yellow. He pissed me off, I don't want to hang out with him, even if I do, I'm not going to talk to him. Messed up our Pumpkin pie too...

Things have been running through my mind. I will no longer hope for what I really want. Life is so complicated. There is really no point in thinking about it when I can't really offer something in return. I do feel that I am able to, but things doesn't turn out the way I want to. This have to be agreed upon both individuals, but if one is thinking about something else, what's the point. Time to shift back to Junior year in High School where I was a nobody. All I did was go home and sleep. I will mainly focus on education and I won't doubt that I can't find that someone when I become successful. But the different part about Junior year is that I'm really glad I have the friends around me. I sometimes tell them a little about how I'm feeling and what I want to achieve.

Happy Lunar New Year! Time for a shit load of red envelopes. Yeyeauh!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Amy's bday!

[Friday 1/16/09]
friday started off with running at lake merced. im glad i ran it a few minutes less than an hour. then we went home to brush up and headed to kev's. then went to stones and then denny's for lunch. amy and ann didnt get anything. we then shopped at serramonte. i already had my gift, but ERK didn't. i had to follow amy everywhere and tried to ditch ERK so they can get their stuff. amy kept following them for a while but then ann helped so we went to starbucks and macys. went to kev's to wii a little and we played this jewel game, which was a first time. somehow by luck i ended up winning after losing many rounds. i also like the pictionary game, which helps me visualize what a word actually look like. went home for dinner, then went back out to go bowling. it was very fun. we played teams, (ken, wendy, amy, ann, john, simon) vs. (me, eric, ron, kev, and george). we tied the first but lost the second because ken was really good and they had 6 people. ken, ron, eric, and kev played another game after and ron scored 199, impressive, good job! my highest was 139. i think i might stop using ron's ball, gave me 90 first game.. second game was all from the pink ball. then we went back to kev's and we surprised amy with a strawberry mousse cake. cake was really good, then we went home around 3:30.

[Saturday 1/17/09]
i somehow had my alarm set at 10:00, and it woke me up. i remember amy saying yum cha at king wah. i called ERK up and see if they wanted to go. ron was really tired but still went, in PJs. damn andrew took the bill and paid it... we didnt eat much for some reason. gave amy the gifts at the parking place, then JERK went back to kev's house to wii. then i went home to do some stuff and went back to kev's. played jewel game, picked up eric, and then played mafia. i was freaken killer like 4 times. 3 times ann narrated. and the last time i was killer, ann pointed me out cause she knows how i react when im the killer. thanks for noticing me ann lol. it was really fun, but unfortunately i went home early at 8:30.

i dont get it.. my parents are getting really strict now. this is so not cool, and it's amy's bday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! CHERISH EVERY MOMENT. well i've been going out late for many days already this month. i've been caught chatting at 3am 3 days straight, there wouldnt be a reason why my parents would still let me go out.. i sometimes wish that i lived somewhere else. and SF is the place where i go to college, no parents around. when i am successful, i can guarantee that i wont want to live with my parents. i do love my parents for supporting me all the way. but i will either rent out or earn enough to buy another house to live there. i dont like being limited to the things i do.. hope this day will come soon.. =(

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

beach day

[Tuesday 1/13/09]
Woke up at 10:30 and my dad told me to move everything away from the carpet because we're getting the carpet washed. at about 12, they came and washed the carpet. the carpet was all wet and i didn't know what to do. kev called because he got out of school early, then eric came and picked us up and we had popeyes. i also called up amy and we went to the beach afterwards. we played volleyball for a while, and i was standing by the ocean for a while. then i watched sunset. we then headed to eggettes and i bought watermelon freeze. i was sort've quiet but wasn't really because i was thinking about something. then we all went home.
ron will be coming back on thursday night, and i can't wait to go shopping with him and amy. i really want shades. the ones my mom and dad have are ugly =D.

Monday, January 12, 2009

very sore

yesterday, kev, eric, and i ran/walked lake merced. i walked more than 75% of the lake. and this morning my legs were sore. went to sacramento and yum cha.
tonight we talked about relationships/love. iono this convo was good but at a point it made me start thinking about a lot of things. i can't explain. and it was weird, JERK and amy(the only girl) were in the chatroom, i wonder if our next hang out will feel strange/weird. sigh...

Friday, January 9, 2009


this morning, i was woke up by the doorbell at 10 but i went back to sleep afterwards. we, amy, kev, and eric had lunch with andrew at ABC. i ate lunch so i bought "ice cream hung dao bing". then we went to ann's house and the guys played a few rounds of call of duty 4. the girls watched TV outside. Then we went bowling. Amy's dad took her car to work so she didnt have her bowling shoes. we still went, and i did pretty ok. highest was 137 =D. even though we just played 4 games in like 2 hours, it was pretty fun. eric was quit during the last 2 games, i guess his finger was hurting. we talked a lot, and kev kept on coming up with these funny bday gifts for amy, so i laughed quite a bit. then i took everyone home because we didnt want to spend money on dinner. thats it.
oh yea, i dont have to go to sac tomorrow, so i think we're running/walking lake merced tomorrow. about time to exercise again -_-.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

zoo day.

today was zoo day. it is the first wednesday of the month so it was free. we saw lots of animals, and i loved the grizzly bears the most. eric took a lot of pictures of the animals. unfortunately we didnt really take any group pictures. we were suppose to meet up at 12 but we went to the zoo at 1:30. after the zoo, we went to kev's house and chilled for a while. then i had to go home. something is not feeling right anymore. i am not feeling that hyp anymore. once ron left, everything is gone. i wonder when i will get that feeling like the day during new years eve. i really miss that feeling. ='(
i feel like my day have been wasted. though i went to the zoo, the zoo wasnt all that exciting. we didnt really walk as a group. we shorta played follow the leaders, where ann and amy were the leaders. they kept on walking, fast paced too. oh well, we saw majority of the animals. at kev's we started wall-e but i wasnt all interested in it because its cartoon. i left so early because my mom kept yelling saying i go out too much. i guess she's right, its better to stay home, so eric took me home, i didnt want my mom to worry.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

final grades for fall 08

i just checked my final grades for fall 08. it's not official yet but i'm pretty sure the professors won't change them. i took cal3, ochem, statics, and english. cal3 and ochem i received A's, B in english, and a C in statics. 3.44 GPA. i now have 2 C's in my college career, which is not good. first one was in physics with cal 1. both classes involved physics, i still have a few more classes involving physics, i hope i dont get a C again.
i just thought about the cruising night again. i wasnt really emo at all. partly because i was quiet at ann's house was because of the food we ate at yum cha, i wasn't feeling well. eric noticed i think, he kept saying "FIREWORKS" then when we went cruising, i wanted to walk around by myself and not talk. i wanted to feel the breeze of embarcadero because it is my first time walking down there. kev and eric kept on annoying me so i just told them i was emo. maybe the stuff i said in my previous blog was true, but i guess i am very young. i trust in how god will lead my way to a relationship, so i can't really complain about anything, besides, yes i am young, long way to go. as of now, i dont want to waste another day of my break like i did yesterday and today.
tomorrow is zoo day, i can't wait, i hope it doesnt rain. the last time i was at the zoo was probably in a 3rd grade field trip. i will tell eric to take plenty of pictures. more about the zoo tomorrow, hayward time almost. bye.

SteamRiceRocket : alright guys brb, i got to blast a dookie!
SteamRiceRocket : FaTaL1tY!

Monday, January 5, 2009


oh god, that blog wasnt suppose to be there. im not gonna blog about those shit ever again. i crossed my personal info line. shit, too late to delete it now. but i deleted some parts, keep it to yourself, the ones who read it. i thought it was pretty late when i blogged so no one will read it. and delete it in the morning, too late. i didn't expect you guys to read it at night. it was like you guys were waiting for me to blog or something. anyways thanks peeps.

pretty emo sunday.

let me say something about yesterday. amy went to my house for the first time on friday. i was surprised when amy came along with eric, kev, and ron to my house yesterday. i like that surprise, we played ddr, mario kart, and brawl. i tried to get amy to play or see if she wanted something to watch, because i was scared she was bored. she said she's not so i guess so.

today, it started off with yum cha. today is ron's last day in san francisco, and he won't be back for about 2 and half months. i will sincerely miss him. i think i am the one who known him for the longest out of the group. i remember in biology freshmen year on the first day, in mrs. mariotti's class we were assigned in groups. that was when i met yvonne and ronald. we didn't know each other, and afterwards when i took the bus home, i found out that ron was on the same bus as i was and lived a block away. we started talking, and now we've became very very good (best)friends. i hope you do well ronald. i will give you all my support. why can't the break be longer. i want to hang out with ron more. this break was not enough. =(

after yum cha, we went to ann's house to hang out, watched a lil tv and ddr. that's when i started to be quiet. kev and eric noticed. amy knew afterwards. but here it goes. kev and eric kept on asking but i didn't tell them. we came across a show called parental controls. this show killed me. a girl picks from 3 guys who she wants to be with after dating... oh man, when will i get picked? girls mostly like good looking and funny guys. it's hard for me.

went to pick up eric after he dropped off his car, back to ann's for a while then i took amy home because she wanted to walk, and i didn't want a girl to walk 10 blocks in the dark. took kevin home and me and eric grabbed mcdonalds because i've been spending a lot of money lately. then i picked up everyone and went bowling. sucked, 86, 96. sorry i didn't use ron's ball. then went on a cruising trip to embarcadero which made me feel more emo, when will i ever get in a relationship? great places to go on a date. the view was not as nice as i expected. saw bay bridge and golden gate bridge, it was kinda dull. during new years eve at the hill up by kevin's house was much better. we got to see the whole city. if we ever want to see the view, we should go up somewhere high.

note: drove for the longest time today in my life. my house-> yum cha at irving -> ron's house -> ann's house -> eric's house -> ann's house -> amy's house -> ann's house -> kevin's house -> amy and ann's house -> classic bowl -> eric's house -> ABC restaurant -> embarcadero -> everyone's house ->home. it was fun cruising. my right foot hurt like hell. i love you guys. peace.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

great week

This is one of the most memorable week in my life. We hung as a group 3 times this week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and it was very fun each day. Out of these three days, I found Wednesday, New Years Eve the best. I've never, maybe don't remember celebrating New Years Eve before. Yesterday, we decided on Hotpot, but we couldn't do it at Kevin's house, so we changed it to my house. It is pretty far for Amy to drive over here, and since we need to buy drinks and food around Sunset, I picked up Kevin, Amy, and Ann. We went to bought food from Safeway and Sunset Super. We went to my house, and got all the food ready. Everyone was ready around 6:30, but we had to wait for Xiao and Aimee. Aimee said she's going to Xiao's place but we waited till 7 something and she called and said she couldn't go. Everyone was mad at Aimee, we were starving, and we waited for her. Anyways Eric picked Xiao up and we hotpot, then played Mafia. I had my PS2 and my DDR out. I remember asking if Amy likes DDR, she said nuh uh, but now I think she's addicted to it. She played right after Hotpot and wanted to play more. We went bowling and waited for a long time. Played a few rounds of Mafia, but the security stopped us. Then Edgar bowled with us, my first game was 119, second 93 I think. I don't bowl like this, iono what happened. I had at least 2 strikes and some spares in each game, but I fucked it up. Seems like a lot happened today, but I think New Years Eve was better. Can't really explain it, I'm sure you think so too. Peace.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years

Hey it's been exactly one month since the last time I blogged. There have been a few days within the past month that was really good. Half of the month went to studying for finals which I don't want to talk about as of now. Well I only remember what I recently did. Last week we (Andrew, Ann, Xiao, Amy, Aimee and the JEK, Ron was smoking) decided to go get dessert then go to someone's house and watch a movie. I picked up Xiao then Kevin but by the time we went to starbucks, it was closed so no coffee for us. Everyone else had coffee. Then we went to Safeway to rent a movie. It took us pretty long to decide on a movie. The cool thing is that I never knew that Safeway had a stand for movie rentals and it's only $1. Well we watched "What happens at Las Vegas" I think and Cameron Diaz was the main actress. It was fun, though Andrew left before the movie and Ann, Eric, and Aimee left after watching half the movie. Amy Xiao Kevin and I finished it as we stayed for 30 minutes extra and talked about Kevin's Tahoe trip. Mafia is a very confusing game. But it was very fun. Please figure out what the Angel does Kev.
On Monday we as a group all decided to hang out at Kevin's house. Including Andrew, Ann, Amy, and the JERK. Kevin and Ron made a video of all the pictures we took in the past year. A few video clips and pictures were very embarrassing. I was hellsa chubby last year. I wish I'm skinnier. Then we went bowling around 11:30. Played 2 games and I won both =). Pretty consistent now. My average on Friday was 126, and Monday I scored 125 then a 126. During the second game, we decided to make a bet. The 2 losers need to sing a song that the 2 winners choose, and we record it and post it on Youtube. I'm glad I didn't lose. Sorry for Ann scored the lowest, and Amy and Eric with a tie. Shooot, Amy needed 1 more pin to get off it. It would be nice if it was Ann and Eric lol. We back to Kevin's and we picked a song, they will sing Neyo- Miss Independent chosen by RON. Remember him lol. I chose Mrs. Officer =).
Tuesday I went to Sacramento, check out the house we just bought. It's 2 stories. 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, 2 living rooms. It's pretty decent, I might live there when I transfer to Davis.
Yesterday, NEW YEARS EVE. It was great. This time it was Amy Ann Xiao and the JERK. We were freaken bored the whole day, then when Kevin came back from SLO, we went to his house. Almost everyone brought their laptops over, and they were all HPs which is pretty cool. We (well I did) had the most expensive pizza ever. 2 X-Large pizzas and buffalo wings cost $70. It's okay, the one and only pizza place who delivers to Kevin's house, UP IN THE HILL. Then we played Mario kart. Then card games, Kent and Mafia. Kent is a very tricky game. We have to pick partners, come up with a signal to use when you have 4 of a kind to win a point. Each person would have 4 cards, then there's a 4 card flop, we continuously switch cards until we have a 4 of a kind, then we make the signal and the partner needs to say Kent to win a point. Or the others can say Stop "whoever" then there's no points. Kevin and Eric kept winning because of their stupid wink. Mafia, very interesting and fun game. We have a Killer, the King, and a Cop, the Jack, and the rest are normal people. First a narrator asks who the killer wants to kill, then asks who the cop think the killer is. We all open our eyes and narrator tells a story of how the person the killer chose dies. Everyone then guesses who the killer is, and if their wrong we repeat it and by the end, if the killer doesn't get picked, the killer wins. There was a few times in the beginning where I was the killer. Each round, I gave the same evil smerk face and during last few round, everyone still thought I was the killer. I did the narrating once and I messed it up a little. At about 11:45 we went up the hill by Kevin's house to watch the view and some small fireworks. It felt really good up there. For a few minutes, I felt emo, not really emo, more like thinking about yea stuff. We took lots of pictures, and it was really fun. Went to Kevin's house again and I fixed Amy's Tvb video problem while Amy Eric and Ann were practicing. New Years Wish - Hope to hang out as a group for every single Holiday from now on. I am very glad I have this group, this group is awesome, there's always entertainment. Such as Kevin's crap talking, and Ann and Eric's flirting. Well I think this if good enough, see you next month. lol jk, I'll try to blog more. Peace.