Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dropped my cell bio class. Still not doing so well in my other classes. *Sigh* Feel like an idiot, what is going on with this semester...

Mon: OChem2 11-12,Phys w/Cal2 12-1
Tues: Engl 9:45-11, OChem2Lab 11-1:30,PhysLab 2-4
Wed: OChem2 11-12, Phys w/Cal 2 12-1
Thurs: Engl 9:45-11, OChem2 Lab 11-1
Fri: OChem2 11-12, Phys w/Cal2 12-1
Sat: Piano1 9-11:30

Again.. I'm isolated, I don't care anymore, fuck...


whale said...

You're not isolated, I'm just so fat, it takes a while to get around!

Unknown said...
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kevin said...

wait?! whaa you dropped your cell bio class?! how come you're not doing so well??? hmm, well don't feel isolated, i'll call you more!, and if you want you can call me too, just whenever, or text would be fine too :)

Rlam said...

whats wrong Jiimyyy? You're not isolated, I am too =D, dont feel isolated jimmy! we're all here for ya!