Saturday, January 17, 2009

Amy's bday!

[Friday 1/16/09]
friday started off with running at lake merced. im glad i ran it a few minutes less than an hour. then we went home to brush up and headed to kev's. then went to stones and then denny's for lunch. amy and ann didnt get anything. we then shopped at serramonte. i already had my gift, but ERK didn't. i had to follow amy everywhere and tried to ditch ERK so they can get their stuff. amy kept following them for a while but then ann helped so we went to starbucks and macys. went to kev's to wii a little and we played this jewel game, which was a first time. somehow by luck i ended up winning after losing many rounds. i also like the pictionary game, which helps me visualize what a word actually look like. went home for dinner, then went back out to go bowling. it was very fun. we played teams, (ken, wendy, amy, ann, john, simon) vs. (me, eric, ron, kev, and george). we tied the first but lost the second because ken was really good and they had 6 people. ken, ron, eric, and kev played another game after and ron scored 199, impressive, good job! my highest was 139. i think i might stop using ron's ball, gave me 90 first game.. second game was all from the pink ball. then we went back to kev's and we surprised amy with a strawberry mousse cake. cake was really good, then we went home around 3:30.

[Saturday 1/17/09]
i somehow had my alarm set at 10:00, and it woke me up. i remember amy saying yum cha at king wah. i called ERK up and see if they wanted to go. ron was really tired but still went, in PJs. damn andrew took the bill and paid it... we didnt eat much for some reason. gave amy the gifts at the parking place, then JERK went back to kev's house to wii. then i went home to do some stuff and went back to kev's. played jewel game, picked up eric, and then played mafia. i was freaken killer like 4 times. 3 times ann narrated. and the last time i was killer, ann pointed me out cause she knows how i react when im the killer. thanks for noticing me ann lol. it was really fun, but unfortunately i went home early at 8:30.

i dont get it.. my parents are getting really strict now. this is so not cool, and it's amy's bday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! CHERISH EVERY MOMENT. well i've been going out late for many days already this month. i've been caught chatting at 3am 3 days straight, there wouldnt be a reason why my parents would still let me go out.. i sometimes wish that i lived somewhere else. and SF is the place where i go to college, no parents around. when i am successful, i can guarantee that i wont want to live with my parents. i do love my parents for supporting me all the way. but i will either rent out or earn enough to buy another house to live there. i dont like being limited to the things i do.. hope this day will come soon.. =(


Rlam said...

heh your time will come. Don't rush it and cherish every moment you have with you family.

amy said...

what rlam said ^. and thank you so so so much for everything. =D

ron-ton said...

i wish u didn't have to leave early on that saturday.