Tuesday, January 6, 2009

final grades for fall 08

i just checked my final grades for fall 08. it's not official yet but i'm pretty sure the professors won't change them. i took cal3, ochem, statics, and english. cal3 and ochem i received A's, B in english, and a C in statics. 3.44 GPA. i now have 2 C's in my college career, which is not good. first one was in physics with cal 1. both classes involved physics, i still have a few more classes involving physics, i hope i dont get a C again.
i just thought about the cruising night again. i wasnt really emo at all. partly because i was quiet at ann's house was because of the food we ate at yum cha, i wasn't feeling well. eric noticed i think, he kept saying "FIREWORKS" then when we went cruising, i wanted to walk around by myself and not talk. i wanted to feel the breeze of embarcadero because it is my first time walking down there. kev and eric kept on annoying me so i just told them i was emo. maybe the stuff i said in my previous blog was true, but i guess i am very young. i trust in how god will lead my way to a relationship, so i can't really complain about anything, besides, yes i am young, long way to go. as of now, i dont want to waste another day of my break like i did yesterday and today.
tomorrow is zoo day, i can't wait, i hope it doesnt rain. the last time i was at the zoo was probably in a 3rd grade field trip. i will tell eric to take plenty of pictures. more about the zoo tomorrow, hayward time almost. bye.

SteamRiceRocket : alright guys brb, i got to blast a dookie!
SteamRiceRocket : FaTaL1tY!


ron-ton said...

i want to go to the zoo. xiao hates the zoo though. i think it's because she hates animals all locked up. have fun. i wish i was there to go to the zoo free.

kevin said...

good job with the GPA, something i wouldn't be able to get! let's go to the zoo!