Tuesday, September 30, 2008

extremely tired...

Sorry readers, I was too into watching my TVB shows last night that I forgot to blog. I will blog about what happened yesterday, and blog later about what happened today. In Calculus, I've been learning this new "stuff" Kepler's law. There's 3 laws which are very confusing. I've been taking notes the past 3 days and haven't understood a thing I've written. The reason why was last 2 days, the prof messed up on the board 2 times. He kept on going even though he knew there was a mistake. And yesterday's HW was to find his mistake, which I didn't even bother looking at when I got home. English was BS as usual, still learning Comma Rules, and he expected us to turn in an essay without even giving us a prompt. He felt stupid so by the end of the class, he made up some crap, assigned us to write a paragraph about a food we like, descriptive. He's just BS. In Organic Chem, spent about 30 minutes studying for a quiz. Took the quiz, spent only 10 minutes while others longer and I was freaken mad about my results, 19/20. I made the stupidest mistake possible. There was this question that ask what's the most stable conformation, I built the model and fliped it around. I sat there for 20 minutes thinking what I should write. Both looked exactly the same, so they should both be same(stable). But my dumbass left side of my brain circled one and said that was most stable and my right side of my brain wrote on the bottom same? The prof checked it and the two drawing should be the same, and what I wrote on the bottom of the page didn't count. I'm such an idiot. I actually wrote the correct answer but circled another. After that, everyone else turned the quiz in and they too had the same mistake as I did, so I didn't feel as bad afterwards. I have a midterm Thursday, I hope I don't make stupid mistakes again. When I got home, I just spent the rest of the day watching TV, didn't touch a single page of HW, didn't have any. Like what Eric said, I might be experiencing his High School laziness. I hope not, I'm pretty confident and pleased with my grades right now even though I'm procrastinating like F--K.

Monday, September 29, 2008

seeking for a job...

Today as usual, took notes in Calculus. In Statics, the prof returned our exam. She wrote down what everyone had. 3A,5B,4C,4D&F. I was really scared. Me and Eric made a bet and that if I got an A, I have to treat him to dinner. That's how confident he was on me, calling me Einstein. This guy's great. Too bad Einstein failed, but Jimmy didn't. With nerves running down my spine, I finally received my exam and I was satisfied, 83. Statics is the hardest subject that I am taking right now. I missed 2 very stupid mistakes because I didn't read the problem correctly and totally didn't answer the parts. I would've gotten 6 extra points, still 89. I think I really need a laptop. I have 1 hour break every MWF and 45 minutes break every TTh. Today, I wasn't able to get hold of a computer, but after waiting 20 minutes, I was able to. I surfed the web and found some really interesting news on TVB. One of the shows I recently watched "Moonlight Resonance" was up and revealed some facts about the upcoming TVB Anniversary Award Nominees. There was a few I liked and 1 I didn't. Linda Chung's role for favorite support actress in Moonlight Resonance will be replaced with Kate Tsui's role. Hope Linda gets nominated in "The Legend of Demi-Gods". When I came home, after watching a few hours of show, I realized I need a job. I need to earn money so I can buy a laptop and support myself for gas, food, and entertainment. Even though my parents are able to support me, and I use money wisely, I still feel bad about spending. So far I just applied to a food place in SFO, pays 11.85 and will raise. Hope I get the job. I also felt a desire for bowling all of a sudden. I finally picked up Ron's bowling ball which had been sitting down by my desk for about a year. I will use it if I go bowling this Friday. "Please tell me if it's not ok with you Ron". So yea, looking for a job, I will continue to surf the web tomorrow at school during my 45 minute break, that is if I can get a computer. Laters.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

boring Sunday...

Hey guys, I had a lot to say but I forgot them all after taking a nice shower. LOL. Today is just a simple relaxing Sunday. I watched hours of TV and did my homework. That's it, all Sundays are the same. I always have fun on Fridays and Saturdays. Don't touch a single page of homework and wait till Sunday to finish them. I guess I will watch some more TV and Wii before dinner. Cya

Saturday, September 27, 2008

childhood memories...

Let me start off with what I did today. Early morning I woke up and my mom came to my room, we had a really long and good chat. Around 10ish my cousin called and I had to go to her house to fix the internet. This was my second time going there. Quite annoying because she called a few times before. It's ok because they treated me and my parents to Yum Cha at Duk Cwan. Horrible place. Never go there. Well I fixed my cousin's and my cousin-in-law's computer. Me and Kevin should open a company and charge people for fixing computers and other stuff. Cause Kevin been fixing hella people's computers. I should charge for tutoring too but I've only tutored my sister and Eric. We were about to go to this New Academy of Science place at Golden Gate Park because it was free today but Eric checked online and said the place was soo crowded there was no more free tickets. Instead of the Academy of Science, we went to Costco. Bought some food for breakfast and went home to Wii with Ron and Kev. Had a few great games then stopped. Amy wanted to go bowling tonight but I realized I shouldn't go for 2 reasons. 1, I had some horrible results yesterday and didn't want to embarrass myself again. I won't bowl for a while.(might be a lie). 2, My mom been working the whole last week and I didn't even get a chance to see her much. She worked from 8-1 at night. By the time I leave for school, she's still sleeping, and by the time she gets off from work, I'm sleeping. I want to enjoy a nice dinner with her during the weekend. That's why we had a good talk earlier, I Love my Mom. I just watch Episode 5 of ANTM. SOO glad the trans-gender girl/guy left cause her photo sucked. And also glad that Hannah left because she was SOO annoying and her runway walk was like crab walking.
Anyways something struck me last night because I was soo bored. I had flashbacks of my childhood and it was soo much hanging out with a bunch of friends at a park playing tag/swings/slides. I remember taking money from my parents desk and buying Icees there because they were 25 cents each. BTW that place was in Silver Terrace. When I was young, my parents had to work the whole day, and my sister and I had to go to after school programs so we went to Silver Terrace. It was a block away from my old house and they charged only $20 a person for a month. We get tutored on homework, then play many sports including tennis, baseball, football, basketball.. etc. The most fun was playing tag, with my old best friend Frank and childhood crush Beckie. She won't read this so it's fine. Frank had 2 brothers and Beckie had 2 sisters. We always played a eight man tag. One time I was running away from Beckie, I decided to jump from the top slide, my shirt was caught along a wood and I was literally hung on the wood for 3 seconds then my weight brought me down. Once I was down, I couldn't speak/cry, and had a blackout for 10 seconds. Once I was conscious, I felt pain and the back of my head was bleeding. Everyone was soo scared, the tutor called my mom and she had to leave work to rush to the park to check on me. I was fine afterwards. Even with such an incident, I still loved my childhood. Why can't we always be young and naive. We didn't have to worry about anything. NOTHING. But I guess as a child have childhood enjoyment, as an adult, we get adulthood enjoyment. I look forward for my future and I know I can succeed. =)

Friday, September 26, 2008

stuck in wonderland...

For some reason, I feel really tired and bored. Today should be a good day for me. Fridays are usually my relax days. I don't touch a bit of homework, just chill, watch TVB, play games, and hang out. Today in Calculus class, I was anxious and couldn't wait for my Statics test. I felt ready and I was. When the test came, I did it, finish on a timely manner, and none of those question were that challenging. I was able to answer them without hesitation. Best might go to worse, so I must wait for the results to claim how I did. After the exam, it was taking a ton of weight off my shoulder. I can just daydream in Organic Chem and wait for the school day to end. I went home, and started on my new game Mario Galaxy. It was fairly difficult to master the concepts. After a few round of Game Over, and with the help of the Walkthrough on Youtube, I was able to earn three stars. A call came around 5, and it was from Amy. I was extremely excited because the last time we saw each other was Great America Day (3 weeks ago). We went bowling, first game was alright, last 2 HORRIBLE. I got so sick of my scores, I didn't even feeling like talking. I shouldn't have went. Waste of money and time. I was hoping for a great conversation with some of the guys, especially Amy. We simply bowled, looked at the scores, and sat. Well I did. I just feel really left out. I'm like in my own little wonderland. I hope I can get this over with. I hope the weekend can make up for what happened today. AND I AM NOT EMO, just thought today sucked. Time to watch 1 more episode of Last One Standing, and Wii. It's one of the best or scariest TVB shows. I LOVE IT. Cya =(.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

worried... Statics Exam...

Today was an easy, yet boring day. In calculus, as usual, I took notes. I always seem to notice this girl next to me always looking over at me. I wonder what she's thinking. I always pretend not to notice, but the side view of my eye always catches her staring over. Calculus 3 can be the easiest subject for me as of now. I been doing decently and expect to continue with good progress. My English class is simply BS. We've been learning simple Punctuations, Definitions and Comma Rules for the past 4 lectures. This might not be bad because I can actually improve in my English from reviewing these simple techniques to writing a paper. My prof's actually not bad a teacher, just his way of teaching is really boring. Every lecture, we will have a quiz on what we learned from last lecture and what we have read for the assignment. As long as I pay attention and do the reading, I think I will be fine in this class. My first essay was crap(again). I didn't expect him to grade it before we did any peer review. I shouldn't have dropped the summer English class. That class probably would've been easier. It's all good, I had work and I wouldn't have be able to concentrate with so much influence around during the summer anyways. In Organic Chem Lab, I took my melting point of my compound (ASA) which was made from Tuesday's lab. That took me like 2 minutes. I will have a quiz and Midterm 1 next week, so the prof past out a sample Exam and I stayed for about 2 hours asking questions and doing the Exam. The exam was pretty easy, 2 hot girls kept coming up to me and asking if they're answers were right. It took me like 30 minutes to finish, and after that I was again, the first one to leave the lab. I went home, ate, and watch TV/Wii. Suddenly I realized I have a Statics Exam tomorrow, which I am not very confident about. I pretty much get the concepts, just it is really confusing to find the moment about a point. I am anxious as well as worried for my exam. I hope I do well. Time for studying. =)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

new day, new game

WOO! I just finished every cup in Mario Kart. I will stop playing Wii for two days and proceed with studying. I will have a Statics Exam this friday and somewhat worried about it. I asked a few questions today during class. The prof showed some examples and explained it, so my confidence level have boosted a bit. I hope I do well on the Exam. A new legacy will begin on friday =). I just received my new game Super Mario Galaxy and I will begin playing it soon. After some research, rating at 9.5, same as Brawl, so it is another great game for the Wii. It might take me a while to beat but it's fine. BTW BFF came over today because his ______ didn't know how to do a few simple tangent and derivative problems. lol jk man. Alright this is my post today and I will continue to update everyday. =)))

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First day of Blog

It's been a great journey with you guys for the past few months. It is time to say the goodbyes and start school once again. Since we are now separated, we can only get in contact through Blog, phone, and AIM. That's why I have created this blog after numerous times of annoyance by my three best friends. I hope each and every one of my friends are able to do well in school and return with a smile after the semester/quarter ends. Can't wait till winter break Yall!!!

I am SlimJim as you all know or might know. I am currently enrolled at CSM as a full time student with 16 units. I should be relaxing after two tormenting semesters ( fall07-5 classes, 19 units, and spring 08- 6classes, 24 units). I plan to transfer to UC Davis or Cal Poly (not likely lol cause too much parties lol) I am taking Calculus 3, Organic Chem, Statics, and English. Sounds PRO huh. I do offer tutoring class but only to the really ___ ones. Fill it in yourself lol. I sometimes go to Borders to do my homework, but only recently. Under the influence of my BFF, Borders is the place where I can concentrate. At home, I don't do homework because I daydream, watch TVB series, and play Wii. I have Brawl, Mario Kart, and recently bought Super Mario Galaxy and Super Paper Mario. I drive a sexy gold Toyota Avalon V6. Anyhow, this is my blog. I still have to tutor THIS GREAT GUY!!! I will guarantee to post something everyday even if I have really bad English and might not say much. Goodbye!