Saturday, September 27, 2008

childhood memories...

Let me start off with what I did today. Early morning I woke up and my mom came to my room, we had a really long and good chat. Around 10ish my cousin called and I had to go to her house to fix the internet. This was my second time going there. Quite annoying because she called a few times before. It's ok because they treated me and my parents to Yum Cha at Duk Cwan. Horrible place. Never go there. Well I fixed my cousin's and my cousin-in-law's computer. Me and Kevin should open a company and charge people for fixing computers and other stuff. Cause Kevin been fixing hella people's computers. I should charge for tutoring too but I've only tutored my sister and Eric. We were about to go to this New Academy of Science place at Golden Gate Park because it was free today but Eric checked online and said the place was soo crowded there was no more free tickets. Instead of the Academy of Science, we went to Costco. Bought some food for breakfast and went home to Wii with Ron and Kev. Had a few great games then stopped. Amy wanted to go bowling tonight but I realized I shouldn't go for 2 reasons. 1, I had some horrible results yesterday and didn't want to embarrass myself again. I won't bowl for a while.(might be a lie). 2, My mom been working the whole last week and I didn't even get a chance to see her much. She worked from 8-1 at night. By the time I leave for school, she's still sleeping, and by the time she gets off from work, I'm sleeping. I want to enjoy a nice dinner with her during the weekend. That's why we had a good talk earlier, I Love my Mom. I just watch Episode 5 of ANTM. SOO glad the trans-gender girl/guy left cause her photo sucked. And also glad that Hannah left because she was SOO annoying and her runway walk was like crab walking.
Anyways something struck me last night because I was soo bored. I had flashbacks of my childhood and it was soo much hanging out with a bunch of friends at a park playing tag/swings/slides. I remember taking money from my parents desk and buying Icees there because they were 25 cents each. BTW that place was in Silver Terrace. When I was young, my parents had to work the whole day, and my sister and I had to go to after school programs so we went to Silver Terrace. It was a block away from my old house and they charged only $20 a person for a month. We get tutored on homework, then play many sports including tennis, baseball, football, basketball.. etc. The most fun was playing tag, with my old best friend Frank and childhood crush Beckie. She won't read this so it's fine. Frank had 2 brothers and Beckie had 2 sisters. We always played a eight man tag. One time I was running away from Beckie, I decided to jump from the top slide, my shirt was caught along a wood and I was literally hung on the wood for 3 seconds then my weight brought me down. Once I was down, I couldn't speak/cry, and had a blackout for 10 seconds. Once I was conscious, I felt pain and the back of my head was bleeding. Everyone was soo scared, the tutor called my mom and she had to leave work to rush to the park to check on me. I was fine afterwards. Even with such an incident, I still loved my childhood. Why can't we always be young and naive. We didn't have to worry about anything. NOTHING. But I guess as a child have childhood enjoyment, as an adult, we get adulthood enjoyment. I look forward for my future and I know I can succeed. =)


whale said...

Eric Lam wrote

haha jk, that was made up... where you at dude, r u sleeping

kevin said...

dammn, pretty long post, but intresting fact about us all being a young and naive, i wish life was just still like that. haha!