Thursday, September 25, 2008

worried... Statics Exam...

Today was an easy, yet boring day. In calculus, as usual, I took notes. I always seem to notice this girl next to me always looking over at me. I wonder what she's thinking. I always pretend not to notice, but the side view of my eye always catches her staring over. Calculus 3 can be the easiest subject for me as of now. I been doing decently and expect to continue with good progress. My English class is simply BS. We've been learning simple Punctuations, Definitions and Comma Rules for the past 4 lectures. This might not be bad because I can actually improve in my English from reviewing these simple techniques to writing a paper. My prof's actually not bad a teacher, just his way of teaching is really boring. Every lecture, we will have a quiz on what we learned from last lecture and what we have read for the assignment. As long as I pay attention and do the reading, I think I will be fine in this class. My first essay was crap(again). I didn't expect him to grade it before we did any peer review. I shouldn't have dropped the summer English class. That class probably would've been easier. It's all good, I had work and I wouldn't have be able to concentrate with so much influence around during the summer anyways. In Organic Chem Lab, I took my melting point of my compound (ASA) which was made from Tuesday's lab. That took me like 2 minutes. I will have a quiz and Midterm 1 next week, so the prof past out a sample Exam and I stayed for about 2 hours asking questions and doing the Exam. The exam was pretty easy, 2 hot girls kept coming up to me and asking if they're answers were right. It took me like 30 minutes to finish, and after that I was again, the first one to leave the lab. I went home, ate, and watch TV/Wii. Suddenly I realized I have a Statics Exam tomorrow, which I am not very confident about. I pretty much get the concepts, just it is really confusing to find the moment about a point. I am anxious as well as worried for my exam. I hope I do well. Time for studying. =)

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