Tuesday, September 30, 2008

extremely tired...

Sorry readers, I was too into watching my TVB shows last night that I forgot to blog. I will blog about what happened yesterday, and blog later about what happened today. In Calculus, I've been learning this new "stuff" Kepler's law. There's 3 laws which are very confusing. I've been taking notes the past 3 days and haven't understood a thing I've written. The reason why was last 2 days, the prof messed up on the board 2 times. He kept on going even though he knew there was a mistake. And yesterday's HW was to find his mistake, which I didn't even bother looking at when I got home. English was BS as usual, still learning Comma Rules, and he expected us to turn in an essay without even giving us a prompt. He felt stupid so by the end of the class, he made up some crap, assigned us to write a paragraph about a food we like, descriptive. He's just BS. In Organic Chem, spent about 30 minutes studying for a quiz. Took the quiz, spent only 10 minutes while others longer and I was freaken mad about my results, 19/20. I made the stupidest mistake possible. There was this question that ask what's the most stable conformation, I built the model and fliped it around. I sat there for 20 minutes thinking what I should write. Both looked exactly the same, so they should both be same(stable). But my dumbass left side of my brain circled one and said that was most stable and my right side of my brain wrote on the bottom same? The prof checked it and the two drawing should be the same, and what I wrote on the bottom of the page didn't count. I'm such an idiot. I actually wrote the correct answer but circled another. After that, everyone else turned the quiz in and they too had the same mistake as I did, so I didn't feel as bad afterwards. I have a midterm Thursday, I hope I don't make stupid mistakes again. When I got home, I just spent the rest of the day watching TV, didn't touch a single page of HW, didn't have any. Like what Eric said, I might be experiencing his High School laziness. I hope not, I'm pretty confident and pleased with my grades right now even though I'm procrastinating like F--K.

1 comment:

whale said...

Well you're not until you go to class and space out the entire time + do nothing! :D