Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First day of Blog

It's been a great journey with you guys for the past few months. It is time to say the goodbyes and start school once again. Since we are now separated, we can only get in contact through Blog, phone, and AIM. That's why I have created this blog after numerous times of annoyance by my three best friends. I hope each and every one of my friends are able to do well in school and return with a smile after the semester/quarter ends. Can't wait till winter break Yall!!!

I am SlimJim as you all know or might know. I am currently enrolled at CSM as a full time student with 16 units. I should be relaxing after two tormenting semesters ( fall07-5 classes, 19 units, and spring 08- 6classes, 24 units). I plan to transfer to UC Davis or Cal Poly (not likely lol cause too much parties lol) I am taking Calculus 3, Organic Chem, Statics, and English. Sounds PRO huh. I do offer tutoring class but only to the really ___ ones. Fill it in yourself lol. I sometimes go to Borders to do my homework, but only recently. Under the influence of my BFF, Borders is the place where I can concentrate. At home, I don't do homework because I daydream, watch TVB series, and play Wii. I have Brawl, Mario Kart, and recently bought Super Mario Galaxy and Super Paper Mario. I drive a sexy gold Toyota Avalon V6. Anyhow, this is my blog. I still have to tutor THIS GREAT GUY!!! I will guarantee to post something everyday even if I have really bad English and might not say much. Goodbye!

1 comment:

whale said...

AHahhah, I'll fill in the blank! "Dumbass" and YES YOU FINALLY MADE A BLOG.