4 classes, MMW4T, ECON1, BILD1, CHEM114A
Mondaypre-modern world lecture 11-12
biochemical structures & functions discussion 12-1
principles of microeconomics lecture 1-2
biology: the cell lecture 2-3
break 3-4
principles of microeconomics discussion 4-5
biochemical structures & functions lecture 5-6
Wednesdaypre-modern world lecture 11-12
break 12-1
principles of microeconomics lecture 1-2
biology: the cell lecture 2-3
pre-modern world discussion 3-4
break 4-5
biochemical structures & functions lecture 5-6
Fridayprinciples of microeconomics lecture 11-12
biology: the cell discussion 12-1
principles of microeconomics lecture 1-2
biology: the cell lecture 2-3
break 3-5
biochemical structures & functions lecture 5-6
Off Tuesday and Thursday =]