Monday, October 13, 2008

im a failure...

Fuck myself for being cocky. Damn I'm a dumbass. I don't deserve to help people. I've been bragging about how easy Calculus is. Well it is damn easy. But fuck me. I received my exam today and got a fucken 68%. There's one formula to the Exam, and everyone answer follows to the next question. There were 8 questions and I fucked up on number 4. The rest of my Exam were trash. All the concepts were correct, but I took the wrong derivative to answering number 4, and the rest of the test follows number 4. I was so pissed off, I didn't pay attention at Statics, I was just staring at my exam and saying how stupid I was to make such dumb mistake. I wasn't convinced that 68% is my score, so I went to my prof's office and sort of argued with him. I totally did the concepts correctly but I just took the wrong part of the answer to the rest of the questions. I think I successfully convinced him, so he took my Exam back and he will reconsider on my score. He also said I've been doing well since the beginning of the semester, and if I continue, I can still get an A. Damn right, I need that A. Can't afford to get lower than a 3.37 GPA. Damn I'm stupid, so I don't trust me if I tutor/help anyone. =(

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