Tuesday, October 21, 2008

new schedules for Spring 09...

wow, I find myself pretty lazy lately. 2 blogs in 7 days. Well, the reason being is because I find it tedious to blog every single day, and repeat myself. "I go to Cal, then Statics, then English, then Ochem, then went home, then did some homework, and watched a some movie." I'll just blog from now whenever something funny/exciting happens. I tried to be a storyteller, but I noticed I'm horrible at it. Bad grammar, bad sentence structure, whatever. English is not my thing. Omg, I know some people like the movie Hairspray, but sorry I HATE IT. I like all the songs and stuff, but this movie just made me sick. I might sound extremely racist right now, but who cares, its just you 3 reading this anyways. I HATE THAT MOVIE. After I downloaded that movie, I saw AMANDA BYNES' name on it, and I was like hell yea, another one of her movies. She dressed up all cute and had ponytails in the movie. Around the middle, she started having these love looks towards this n*gro. She was singing during N*gro Day or something. When they went home, she starting kissing this guy. DAMN IT, a hot white girl kissing a guy that's like Akon dark. This movie just ruined everything about how much I liked her. After all those movies I watched that starred her, they are now some of my worst movies. Sigh, sorry but OMG, I can't believe this movie would do this to her. God. Anyways, well as I said, rather than repeating myself, I'll just give a little bit of what I did after a few days, and just sum it up in a few sentences. So here it goes:

Sunday, as usual, did some calculus homework and watched a few more movies. They were boring, even though one of them was by Amanda Bynes. I tried to play Wii fit, but I was too lazy and particularly still sore from the basketball and swimming from Saturday. I went to Costco again, with my mom, and we bought a bunch of food. We bought prime ribs, and had them on Monday.

Monday, pretty much just went home after school and worked on some Ochem problems. Calculus was canceled because the prof wasn't there. Chapter 6 in Ochem, Alkene isn't hard, but the End-of-Chapter problems are pretty long. Even though today is Tuesday, I still didn't finish it. It's due on Friday. As I said at first, I ate prime ribs for dinner. First half piece of my beef was delicious, but after my stomach starts to feel full, the beef began to taste bad. It was dry and hard to chew. Well, I guess everyone has that feeling when they start to feel full.

Today, which can be the highlight of this blog. It was funny today in English. We had a small quiz about Comma Rules again for the 5th time. Some of the material is slowly building in my head. I'm trying to get the Comma Rules nailed. That quiz had 25 sentences and we had to identify what Comma Rule was being applied to each. We were going over the quiz, and it took us nearly an hour to finish first 14 sentences of the quiz. Some people just kept talking to the prof, and he kept going off topic. So class ended without even correcting the whole quiz. Then in Ochem, I had a little introduction to the IR (Infrared Red) Spectrum machine. I knew today in Ochem, we didn't have a new lab, so I know I can get out by 12. We had to get IRs of our Olive Oil. My graph came out to exactly the same as the sample the prof gave. That means I did a very decent job on the lab. The rest of the time left was suppose to for End-of-Chapter problems and questions. I decided to leave because I didn't have my book. I went directly to Skyline at 12:10, so I was sure Mexican dude and Korean girl was there. I went in the Learning Center, for the first time after Spring Semester. I finally saw them again. Mexican dude gave me a hand shake and a hug, which I found weird. I also saw Korean girl tutoring someone so I just waved at her. They're are Carlos and Hyelim by the way, so I don't have to refer to them as Mexican dude and Korean girl. They were tutoring other people, Hyelim tutoring Cal 1 and Carlos tutoring Economics. They get paid $10 an hour, I would've been a tutor also if I was still at Skyline. CSM doesn't offer to pay for people who tutors. So I grabbed a Spring schedule catalog and looked at what classes I should take next semester while I waited. Carlos and I had a talk about his current Physics w/ Cal3 class. He got 115/100 on his first midterm. I would've gotten around 85/100 if I took the class with him. But oh well, I found out Hyelim will be taking Physics w/ Cal3 next semester at CSM, so I'll take that with her. Hyelim said she missed the registration dates for CSM and Canada for Fall 08 (this semester), that's why she ended up at Skyline again. I would've stayed at Skyline, but during Spring 08, 4 or 5 of my friends said they were going to CSM with me, but none of them went. I forgot to get their numbers so I couldn't contact them during summer. They all thought the distance to CSM was too long, and gas would be a pain in the ass. They're right, but I had no choice. All the classes I need are at CSM and only CSM fits my schedule. Right now I'm sure Hyelim will take classes at CSM, so I'll be taking English 2 and Physics w/ Cal 3 with her in Spring. I can't take Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, and Circuits because I have other stuff to take. And also, I finally got their numbers, Carlos' and Hyelim's. I might visit them again and hopefully see my other friends and get their numbers too. At home, I was thinking about what classes to take for the Spring semester. I know I'll take English and Physics w/ Cal3. The others will be Ochem 2, and Linear Alg/Differential Eqns combined at ccsf or Biology. I also checked the music section and found out that Skyline offers Saturday Piano lessons. I have a piano myself, and no body plays it, so why not learn it in school. I should have taken piano 1 this semester so I would have 5 classes. I feel like 4 classes is a waste of a semester since I'm used to taking a lot of classes. Anyways, there are 4 semesters of piano, and I have 4 semesters left including summer 09, so I will take 1 piano class each semester and hopefully be good in piano. Why have a piano, and not play it. Displaying $2000 piano means something, but someone actually know how to play the $2000 piano means a lot more. I don't know if I am just saying this for the heck of it. I might not continue after 1 semester, but I'll try my best to adapt to this instrument. The good thing is, I can maybe learn how to be romantic, "and also, own Kevin in Piano, and I would not play the same song over and over again" LOL. I also watched another movie lol, Wendy Wu: The Homecoming Warrior, starring Brenda Song. She's also hot, and this movie was pretty good. =)

1 comment:

whale said...

I wanna study abroad so bad, but a year is too much. Shiet I wouldve done piano but I don't got 1. Someone else also reads this blog, I'll tell you later =]