Friday, October 10, 2008

pretty cool Friday...

At school, I had two quizzes. The Statics quiz, I pretty much bombed. I had no idea what to do, and it was on Frames/Machines. The Ochem quiz, as usual, I pretty much Aced. Ochem and Cal3 are the easiest classes for me right now. Last night, we planned out today's event, which includes playing basketball, get my oil changed, and bowling. When I came home at 1, Eric came over and he played Wii Fit. He got his test back and wanted me to show him how to do some of the problems. Apparently, I didn't help much. Maybe it was too old, I forgot all the concepts of limits. After that, we went to Andrew's house and suppose to get oil change but his jacks were broken so we just went to Palega and played Basketball. Before that, we went on the swings. My idea. I wanted to go to the park for a long time to bring back some Childhood memories. We were swinging and Eric swung the highest. He was swinging so high, when he was going down, the whole pole was shaking. Me and Andrew thought the pole was gonna snap. We were laughing so hard, our swings began to turn because we weren't pushing. I didn't really played basketball. I pretty much just stood there and wait for the rebound. My aiming sucks still. Around 4:30 we picked up Aimee and headed to Classic Bowl. Amy drove there, rather "flew" there. We played 5 games. I used Ron's ball and I think I mastered the three finger spin. Out of the 5 games, 2 games I had a turkey in each. But I fucken screwed both of them up by spinning a gutter. Well I still ended up at the 140s. I calculated and ended up with an average of 116.6. Which I improved by 5 average pins. While bowling it was fun/gay. The gay part was, we had to move to other lanes 3 times. The lanes kept jamming or the sweep wouldn't work. The girls were tired after a few games, and Amy didn't do as well. She had a 140+ before but today she barely made it to the 100s. I tried to cheer her up by giving her power lol (giving a high five) but that didn't work. I guess she was tired. It was so funny when I heard Amy and Aimee talking about guys and how Garrett looks fatter now. Amy was like "I don't like skinny guys". That made me crack up, cause you guys know. Yea. We went to Stones afterwards. Aimee had some other plans so Andy Wu went to Classic to pick her up. At Stones, Eric and Andrew went to get something to eat, and I was walking around with Amy. We went from Macy's to Nordstorm and pretty much went through all 3 stories of both stores. We had a pretty nice talk, she told me some stuff about her work and that she wears contacts. Did anyone of you guys know she wears contacts? She been wearing contacts since 8th grade so I don't think much people noticed. At least not me because I hardly have a good convo with her, except this time. I will be getting contacts soon and I will commit on keeping in a fit shape. Hopefully by December, when I get my contacts, I will be a sexy beast and all the ladies will be coming up to me. lol.

1 comment:

kevin said...

i did not know she wore contacts either! lol