Saturday, November 28, 2009

So yesterday was black Friday. Lined up at Frys, I saw the ads and this Viewsonic monitor before going. Glad I was able to buy it. I think we could've went later because they had plenty of supplies. Doesn't look like I'm lining up next year cause it kinda sucked. Feel bad for those who didn't get what they wanted.
So I'm building a new desktop, bought all the parts I want. Can't wait till it's complete. Thanks Kevin and Yong =] I clean up my room today and reorganized a few things. You guys should check it out. You guys hardly come here...

Can someone tell me what happened after Eric came? How did I wake up in boxers?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2 hours and 45 minute test. wtf right.. Glad it's the last semester of physics left.
now time to dedicate my time towards games and college apps.
no more tests until finals which is in 3 weeks.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why do I feel like I'm 1 hour behind everyone else? Ha time changed =] extra hour of sleep. I realize I also have physics homework due Friday. Don't feel like doing any homework today. I was determined to get something done today, guess not.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween, like every year no activity. Oh well, maybe I'll go trick o treating again in the future. Last time I went to one was when I was 12 at Stonestown. It was awesome.

I have a research paper to do. 6 pages minimum, I didn't even start. College applications are due soon, I need to get going with that, and write personal statements. ahhh man friend told me they changed the prompts. That means I can't steal someone's and use it.

People need to learn how to fucken park. Such a big ass space and still need to move back and forth 758345238945 times and still can't go in. Ridiculous. Also people driving on the far left lane going 65-70 need to gtfo. There's a reason why it's called the fast lane, not the turtle lane..

Monday, October 19, 2009

My sister kept asking.. "Dude are you on crack?" I cooked noodles for dinner. When I was boiling the water, I put a towel on the lid because it's hot. I turned around to talk to my sister for a min or two then I smelled something funny. I turned around and the towel caught on fire and it burnt a little. Wth..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I really want a new computer -_- When I bought this laptop, it was only for hw and series. Not until my desktop died on me, now I use it to download so much stuff and play so much games, it's sooo slow. I should have slapped in a few hundred more and bought a better laptop. It's doable right now I guess, I'm leaving soon anyways.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yesterday was pretty good. I wasn't bored. I spent valuable time with my mom and sister. We went to the bank to get some cash then we went to this AT&T place on Irving. That's where we started our phone plan. My phone was eligible for upgrade because I had my old phone for 1.5 years already. I upgraded to Samsung Impression, it cost way more at Serramonte. I got a super discount because my line was the host. It's pretty nice and I kept playing with it afterwards until it ran out of batteries lol. We went to Serramonte later and did some shopping, and ordered lil caesars pizza for dinner. Been a long time since I spent time with them. Wish my dad work less, he OTs on both his days off since May. Hardworker =]

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A typical Sunday..
Where is everyone?
How come we don't hang out on Sundays?
What's going on?

Thanks ERIC LAM, getting me addicted to WC. I want to play now but none of you guys are on, so what's the point.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So I was at the library with Kevin today. This girl walked by and this convo began....

kevin tan (10:21:51 PM): OH MY GOOD
kevin tan (10:21:53 PM): FCK HER
sylo888 (10:21:56 PM): wtf!
sylo888 (10:21:57 PM): lol
kevin tan (10:21:58 PM): NICE AND SLOW
kevin tan (10:22:03 PM): around her pussy
sylo888 (10:22:07 PM): say hum sup low
kevin tan (10:22:10 PM): LOL
kevin tan (10:22:33 PM): actually
kevin tan (10:22:37 PM): ask her if she swallows
kevin tan (10:22:40 PM): then we'll go from there
kevin tan (10:22:41 PM): LOL

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Kevin!

schedule update: i'm dropping Differential equations once again. His teaching style just doesn't make me have any interest in class. I dropped during summer with the same teacher, and yet again. He uses powerpoint and simply just read through the slides really fast. totally confused. i'm going to take it at city next semester probably. also i'm definitely going to chemical engineering as my major. no more worries about biology and econ.
friday was adventurous. we went out to eat at night, then bowling, then starbucks on california and went to twin peaks. it's been so long since i been there. the view was great, but i wished there was more stars. i think i missed the moon, where did it go? oh i really wanted to watch sunrise but most of us were dead. hope i'll get a chance to watch it soon.

sometimes i just want someone who can hold my hand when i'm lonely, hug me when i'm cold, and talk to me when i'm bored. where the hell are you?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I've been class hoping these 2 days because I need to fill in something for my Biology class. Yesterday I successfully got 3 authorization #s, western civilization, latin history by accident, and fundamentals of music. I decided to add fundamentals of music because my last semester's piano teacher is teaching it and she's easy. It's for people with no sense of what music is, but I already took piano so I know most of the stuff. Today I wasn't so successful, because I want to move my US Hist class from 8-9 to 10-11, but neither Economics or the other US Hist class let me add. So my set schedule is in my AIM info. Take a look.
I really like my Physics class. Today's lab was fun, I'm determined to do well in this class. =]

"People ASSUME too much nowadays. DON'T ASSUME because you are just making an ASS out of U and ME"

Monday, August 24, 2009

aww man.. I finally realize I am not a Biology person. It's boring me to death and I realize I don't need to push myself so hard. I plan on changing to Chemical Engineering, that way I can avoid taking Biology. Biology is my worst nightmare, I know I won't get an A in that class. My GPA needs to be really good in order for me to transfer. Time to drop that class and try to add something else.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So today was second day of class at skyline. I have Bio lab at 9:10. I got to school at 9, but 1/3 of the school parking lot is under construction. I was desperately looking for 40 mins, then I gave up. How am I gonna survive Bio? Ridiculous..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I cut off a tC and Civic yesterday. hahaha that made my day.

Damn Hell's Kitchen is good. Just started Season 6, screw the first 5 season lol. I have a test tomorrow but Hell's Kitchen is so addicting...
What to do???

Thursday, July 23, 2009

oh damn... i overslept today. i have school at 8:10 and i woke up at 8:22 lol. i remember putting my alarm on snooze for 2 times then it stopped ringing. good thing today wasn't the final, next thursday is finals. if i don't wake up, i'm screwed. i better set a few alarms clocks and sleep earlier.

goddamn the school is pissing me off. the building close to my classroom is under construction so there's constant trucks filled with mud or whatever moving in and out. for the past 3 days, i come home with my car full of mud dust i suppose. piss me off, got to clean it everyday. tuesday i fucked up my camry, yesterday my dad's corolla, and today i had to wash my bimmer. sucks...

Monday, July 6, 2009

only ladies get shotgun! if you want to admit you're a lady, then sit shotgun =]

why did it sound so easy in the first place? now i'm in it, why is it so complicated? i guess i'm still young so people don't trust me. should i continue? or just standby?...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

i'm such a failure now. i started off summer with three classes. but now i'm down to one. linear algebra. i couldn't handle it. i used to do fine with a lot of classes. i guess i'm getting old. i'm not functioning like before -.-

what should i do? how do i do it? will i succeed? i recently looked at cars.. AGAIN. it's only been two months since we bought a 2009 black BMW x5 30i. i just saw a 2010 white Lexus IS 350 C. it is a convertible version of the IS. i'm so greedy... if i am successful and become marketing director, the Lexus will be my first target =]

Saturday, June 20, 2009

aiyahhhhh... beer pong for the second time. it was fun. i didn't drink that much. i drank a lot of beer during game 2 though. i couldn't stand up straight or on one leg. natural i guess. i'm fine now. eric was hella out of it lol. it was pretty fun, iono if i want to do it again. i like king's cup.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

i received my first exam from history class today. totally failed it. i'm going to stay in the class and hopefully i can raise it to a B. i was suppose to go play pool with eric after school but right after i hung up with eric, my mom called, and we had to go to oakland. she wanted to get some more stuff to sell, but when we got there she just gossiped and took forever to pick out stuff. all we came home with was 200 scrunchies. wow how prepared was that. then went to chinatown to deliver some stuff and bought some food. at first ron, amy, eric, yong, camgi, and xiao came over and chilled.

everytime we try to meet, either i'm busy or you're busy. is this fate? is it meant to be? maybe you're just not the one for me. or maybe i'm not the one for you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

today was pretty good. i went to kevin's house and chilled. played wii. then later went bowling with kevin, eric, amy, yong, wilson, and vince. we went to sea bowl for the first time. first impression was, wow so empty. this place must suck. 32 lanes only. but then more people came. and as we bowled, we realized our averages went up by a lot. I got at least 4 strikes in each game i played. i got 140, 140, 149, and 141. i freaken screwed up my turkey for the 141 score for at least the 3rd time ive been bowling. i wouldve beat my high score 162. darns, better luck next time =]

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

went to hillsdale center and serramonte today. each of us bought something. i bought vans, and now i want another pair, in another color. planning a trip, its either magic mountain or camping. maybe six flags discovery kingdom. i can go to any, or all three. ill just wait to see whats up with everyone. i start summer school on june 22nd. im enrolled in 3 classes. iono if i should take all 3. might be too much. =/

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Today was hecka boring. I finished the last episode for Rosy Business. It's pretty good and I hope Wayne Lai get an award again. He's really good. Then I had nothing to watch, I had to pick out an old series to rewatch. I need something to do, today was my official day of break, and I have break till summer school on June 22. 3 weeks, wtf do I do. I can't last 3 weeks just watching series. we need to go on a trip or do something. anyways later tonight, because it was so boring, I went bowling with amy, victor? forgot, and yong. first game 115, second 120. havent bowled for a month or so, still maintaining my average, thats good. goodnight =]

Saturday, May 30, 2009

surprise surprise. i spent the day with eric lam. for the second year in a row. just me and him. NOT! they surprised me when i got home. that made my day. before that went to academy of science. i wouldn’t want to go there, but it was free. thanks si. it was alright there because we saw lots of interesting animals. Then we ate at wendy’s and watched terminator salvation and half of dance flick. would’ve been better if everyone was there. But I had fun with eric, love you best friend. After the surprise, hotpot and went to pool. There was nothing to do after pool and some of us didn’t feel like going home. So we head up to starbucks and chilled for a while.

Today was piano final. I did good. It wasn’t too difficult. Im guessing my grades would be A,B,B,C. ill have another year to raise it. Time for the real break. Mexican dude said I lost lots of weight. Now time to get toned, I don’t have much muscle. Gotta get buff =]

thanks guys, i had a great time

Thursday, May 28, 2009

just piano finals and im done. what to do for summer. summer school soon. i really want to go on a road trip. last one wasnt that great. i need a job, but i cant find one.

roadtrip: 1 or 2 cars
Day 1: drive down, check in hotels, relax
Day 2: Magic Mountain
Day 3: Disneyland
Day 4: California's Adventures
Day 5: Vegas, check in, relax
Day 6: Adventure Dome, night travel, win prizes
Day 7: Explore Vegas,Shopping
Day 8: Head home, knock out

Monday, May 25, 2009

Malibu and Karaoke was fun. We should definitely go again. I enjoyed the day. All I sang was Britney Spears -_-. It's ok. I'll learn more songs for next time =]

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I feel good. I took Ochem final part A today. I don't feel like I have any wrong answers because I triple checked my answers, and still had time left. Watch I jinx it. I really need to pull my grades up, at least for ochem. I don't want a C in ochem because chemistry will be a critical part of my major.

Summer is coming, finally. But what is there to do. I really need a job as least to make enough so I can spend it on gas. I don't want to rely on my parents paying for gas anymore. That's all I need for them to pay now, and food/shelter of course. All entertainment and shopping are running on my New years money. If schedules works out, I might not quit even when Fall semester starts. Speaking of the summer, Eric just reminded me we need to pay $37 to swim. Lol. Ridiculous. Hope my financial aid waive it off.

That moment of time is approaching. I'm not hoping for anything because I don't really know what I want. As long as I get to be with you guys I'm fine. =]

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am hungry. My mom is playing mah-jong. Should I make BBQ chicken wings or Won-ton?

Damn, I didn't go out for like two weeks. Hmmm, is that a good thing or a bad thing? I didn't really do anything productive the times I said "I'm busy" to the people who asked me to go out.

Gas is f&*ken killing me! I need a job so gas will run on me =]

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Today in piano, I came across a Transfer bulletin. I picked up a flier and saw that UCSD accept applicants for Spring Quarter. I was so surprised because all the other UCs don't accept. I am 6 classes behind, and I am going to load on classes for summer and fall. I hope I can transfer Spring Quarter. Time to get out of the city and actually become independent. Though I will still be dependent on my parent's money, I can still learn to live alone.

I now drive a new jet black 2009 BMW X5 xDrive 30i. My dad didn't like the previous car, and luckily the car place allowed us to exchange it with no charge. We only paid the difference. This car does cost way more than the 750 Li, but we all like it and it's new. Even getting a X5 xDrive 48i would cost less. Lots of packages were upgraded, though not necessary but it was their only X5 there. We were not allowed to order the car, and the black 328i there was crappy (too small, no packages upgraded).

I have to show my parents that I deserve all the stuff they gave me. I am very grateful for them. Mother's day and Father's day is coming up. I plan to do something very special for them, instead of just going yum cha like every year. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't live the life I'm living right now. To think of it, I do have a great life. Many people don't have the stuff I do. I have to prove it to my parents. I know this semester I will disappoint them. I've been out too much, time to stop and go back to studying. I have to do it, it's for them!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Yes, I do drive a 2006 BMW 750 Li now. My 1995 Toyota Avalon was hit two weeks ago and has been totaled. I will be getting about 5k back. I got that car for free from my uncle, driven it for two years and now I'm getting money back. =)

Friday, I went to the Peter Pan BMW at San Mateo. I test drove a new 335i, it was hot but kinda pricey. So Sunday I went with my mom to Sacramento and saw the 750 Li. Originally when it was first sold, it cost over 100k. Only been driven for three years and the price offered was worth it. The agent had to come to SF to have my dad sign the paperwork, so I had to drive his BMW 328i. It was ok. The difference between the 750 Li and 335i (the one I originally wanted) is 750 Li is much bigger and have higher performance. It can last longer than the 335i because the series is much higher, with bigger engine and horsepower. 335i will cost about 10k more if it's upgraded to all the stuff that's packed in the 750 Li. I rarely notice any 750 Li on the streets, whereas there are lots of 328i and 335i.

Anyways, I don't feel like I deserve to drive such a nice car. My parents keep telling me to get good grades. I'm afraid it won't happen this semester because I'm too deep into the semester where it's impossible to pull my grades up. I will try harder next semester, I won't disappoint them. =]

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Birthday George!

I went to piano today. I didn't go 4/4 cause I went to the trip. So I missed some material and I didn't know where we stopped. Thursday I just kept practicing and good thing I caught up. Midterm next week, it's getting really hard. Should I continue the sequence? That's the question...

It's George's birthday. I met up with everyone and we went to Cherry Blossom. Saw lots of pretty girls, but that's about it. Didn't really look around, and didn't buy anything. Then we watched a movie call Crank 2 at AMC theatres because Stephen works there, and he slipped us in for free. Thanks Stephen.
Had dessert/mini-dinner at something LUNG TONG by Geary and 7th. Shared with Kevin and Amy. The food was okay, could've been better.
Then we went bowling around 12:30. First game I scored 102, second 162. I think this is my new high score. Time to beat it =]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sorry if I said I was going to City for summer school. I just checked the classes for City, Skyline, CSM, and Canada. Skyline has the classes I need and good professors are teaching them. I'm only taking Computer Programming C++ if I go to City, and the professor is not that great. I'll probably go to City Fall 09. So here's my Summer Schedule:

@Skyline College
Math 270 Linear Algebra MTWR 8:10am-10:05am Leach 3.0
Mus 302 Piano II MTWR 10:35am-12:50pm Hicks 2.0

Also, I'm going to apply for the same company I worked for last year. Just received my tax returns. Hope they give me a nice working time. =]
I've decided to cut English class just to study for my 2 quizzes for Ochem. I was suppose to be studying last night. When I went to my bed to study, I decided to take a nap, but I didn't wake up. I know I'll be missing a lot from English but I can't help it, I need to get good grades for my quizzes. How stupid am I?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring break is almost over. I haven't done anything productive for school. The best I did was read 25 pages from my reading book. That's it. I have 2 quizzes on Tuesday, and a midterm on Thursday. I didn't study at all. Sigh. I think this Spring break was pretty fun. Now that I think about it, I didn't spend too much for my trip. Money is not a problem for me anymore, as long as I had fun. I agreed I did have fun after I thought about it. After the trip, on Friday, I watched Fast and Furious, and I Love You, Man with Eric, Kev, Wendy, Amy, George, Andrew Z, and his cousin. Amy and Eric didn't stay for the second movie. The movies were alright. Ate at Joe's for dinner. Had Calamari Steak for the first time, it was delicious. Yesterday, around 10, went to quickly's and chilled. Today went to Sac, got fat (buffet). But I bought 2 pairs of jeans which made my day cause I didn't want to go to Sac. I would've went yumcha with everyone, next time =].

I know I sometimes have that irritated look in my eyes. I'm not like that because that's not me. It's just that I've been wearing the same pair of contacts that I wore when I went in the Sauna room for 30 mins. I think it's hella dry. I don't want to change it yet cause it still works, I just can't wear it for that long.

I don't know if I believe in fate or not, I guess it's not time yet...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Came back from a some-what vacation yesterday. It was alright. Something went wrong each day, and that kinda threw away my mood. The fun part about the trip was the convos we shared. Gave me a good laugh. The trip was so unprepared. Everything was sort've done last minute except for the hotel and Disneyland. Anyways, I'm not saying this trip was bad, just that it could've been better. I gave ratings to it and told Kevin. Overall I gave it a +50 where 0 means no excitement, not fun. I expected at least +200, maybe this will happen during the summer when we visit another place =D

I'm not gonna blog out what happened each day. Cause it's too long, and a few of you was there anyways.

I really wanted a convo, but I wasn't brave enough to ask. Too late now.

LeAnn Rimes - Remember When

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Physics midterm. Second one, if I fail this, I might end up dropping this class too. Planning to cut Ochem lab to study, since there's no lab tomorrow anyways. I feel like I won't do well.

I can't believe it... Sigh

Monday, March 23, 2009

Around 5, I met up with Kevin, Amy, George, Heidi, Yong, Ronald, and Eric at the Mexican place on Ocean. Everyone bought something, so I decided to test my teeth, and I bought Green Salad. I have to say it was pretty difficult to eat it, but I miss my vegetable. Haven't eaten any in the past 3 days. Then at dinner, I ate tofu with rice. Lots of tofu so I can just swallow it. But at a point, I think I chewed the food with my right side and somehow it moved the thread from the stitches so I was in pain. It just stopped. It hurt so badly I took the pain killers an hour earlier. Lasted like 3 minutes, right after when everyone left...

I'll try not to chew with my right side. Only the bottom right side is hurting. The other 3 is fine. Sigh..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hmm lost a few pounds these 2 days. Good thing or bad thing? I've been drinking liquid only these 2 days. Today it sucked. Everyone in my family had a plate full of food. I was just holding a drink. =/ I think I'm getting better, I'm trying to chew with the left side.

Time to take pain killers again... Bye =)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Took them out. Feeling the pain right now. Still bleeding... Anyways it was some experience. They gave me nitrous gas, I didn't feel anything effect from the nitrous gas when they were taking out my first tooth. The doctor showed me the first one... I was like what's the point of using it, and it cost me $100. But when the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th came. I was all high. I didn't get a boner like what Ron said, but it was pretty intense. I didn't feel my whole body, the whole view was like paused. When the doctor said "Feel any pain" I was like "fuck" the high feeling went away. Then after a few minutes I was back in that zone again. LoL.

I love you Amy, I love you Ronald, I love you Xiao. Thanks for the help.

One heck of an experience. Hopefully I can go out tomorrow. I can't wait. =D

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yikes, March 20th, 2009, 2323 Noriega Ave, 2:30PM is my appointment. bye wisdom teeth. I wonder how I'll be feeling after the extraction. I can sorta sense the pain. I know I won't be able to eat solid food for about a week. Jamba Juice or Shakes will be my lifesavers for the next week.

goddamn they better provide pain killers, or I'll be dead -_-

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dropped my cell bio class. Still not doing so well in my other classes. *Sigh* Feel like an idiot, what is going on with this semester...

Mon: OChem2 11-12,Phys w/Cal2 12-1
Tues: Engl 9:45-11, OChem2Lab 11-1:30,PhysLab 2-4
Wed: OChem2 11-12, Phys w/Cal 2 12-1
Thurs: Engl 9:45-11, OChem2 Lab 11-1
Fri: OChem2 11-12, Phys w/Cal2 12-1
Sat: Piano1 9-11:30

Again.. I'm isolated, I don't care anymore, fuck...

Monday, March 16, 2009

This weekend was pretty fun and relaxing. I didn't do any homework. Friday, I came home from school all pissed because I received my ochem midterm back and I got a C. One of the person I know who study really hard got a D. So I dunno, ochem sucks. My A is officially gone. I'm happy if I receive a B. I don't understand the material. Played some games and started watching this reality show (10 episodes) on It's pretty good, lots of hot chicks. I finished it today and I'm happy with the winner. At night I was happy, everyone came to visit my house. They watched a movie while I was installing warcraft 3, and played a few games. Someone said I smell like Britney Spears perfume. I like that lol, I like Britney, but it's strange that I(guy) smell like perfume. lol.

Saturday, went to walk/jog at City college track after my piano midterm. Some of the performance were really good. I screwed up my triads, she said "I slipped by".. I walked 2.5 laps and jogged 1.5 in jeans. I wasn't expecting to walk/jog. Then went home and met up later and played pool, it went by fast. Then went to Ihop. We formed a circle outside the parking lot and was standing there for an hour deciding what to do. Finally we went to pier 7 and checked out the view.

Sunday, cemetery with whole family from my mom's side. Visit my grandpa's grave. Next week is going to with my dad's side. My grandma's grave. That's it.

I'm tired, time to sleep. goodnight. =]

Friday, March 13, 2009

I've recently written this poem for my English class. I think it sucks but I would like to share it =O

Every morning you wake up late and rush,
Then you run to the bathroom to hurry up and brush,
Throwing shirts, jeans, and socks all around the room,
You went to the kitchen for breakfast but couldn’t find a spoon,
You tried not to eat so maybe it will compensate
For the time missed, so you won’t be late.
You saw your dad sitting on the couch,
He tried to talk to you but you ignored and gave him a grouch,
Running all around, to gather everything in the place,
But still got breakfast ready then went to tie your shoelace.
You quickly slammed the door to make sure it’s locked.
The only thing you forgot is to set the big old alarm clock.

This happens to me at least 3 times a week...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

currently my favorite piano piece
I love the series also, thanks Pages of Treasure

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fuck my life. I ain't superman. I received two of my exams back, both failed. Literally. 15/70 cell bio, 6/20 physics, I get to retake physics exam. I'm not understanding anything in cell bio, time to drop that mother fucker and take it at city during fall.

I just went to clement, to this dental place. Checked for wisdom teeth, it will cost me $3000 if my insurance won't cover the removal. I'm sure my mom's insurance will. They're taking all four of my wisdom teeth out on the same day. Pain. Fuck my life.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yay! Finally relaxed these 2 days from a torturing week. I loved it! =)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


sylo888 (4:28:36 PM): how many times did you scratch your balls today?
SteamRiceRocket (4:28:40 PM): 11
SteamRiceRocket (4:28:43 PM): lol
sylo888 (4:28:47 PM): hahaha
SteamRiceRocket (4:28:49 PM): some people keep count you know...

we are JERK meaning:

Boy I love this guy!

There I blogged.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

bad day...

I got to say today was one of my worst days in my life. On my way to school, I took I-280, and exited at the San Mateo exit. By the time I reached the Hillsdale exit to CSM, I saw traffic, and I was completely stopped. A Honda Odyssey was stopped behind me. Suddenly out of nowhere, BAMMMMMMM BOOOOMMM, I checked the rare view mirrors, and a flying car was coming in my way. I was panicking and didn't know what to do, then I felt an impact behind me. At one point, my mind went blank for 2 seconds. I did not know what to think about, but I know I wasn't hurt or there wasn't a severe damage on my car. When I went outside, it was a four car collision, including me. Me, Odyssey, and a Civic was completely stopped because there was traffic in front of me. A Camry was probably driving fast around 60mph, and saw a big train of stopped car and wanted to make the exit. He lost control and slammed into the Civic which slammed into the Odyssey and the Odyssey's license plate scraped my right bumper. The Civic was not only hit at the rear and the front, his car made a 90 degree angle to the right and smashed into the side rail. Civic and Camry were students from CSM, they were fine, even though their cars had been severely damaged. Conversely, the Odyssey, a 40-50 year old white lady said she had neck pain and felt dizziness. Cops came and took down everyone's driver's license number, registrations, insurance, and report. My car is not serious, so I'm debating whether or not to report it to the insurance. If I do report it, my parents will have to add my name to the insurance which will cost more each year.
So that was the collision, I was late to school, my English teacher didn't waive my tardy even though I said I was in a collision and showed her the collision slip. 2 Tardies = 1 Absent, and 4 Absent = automatic drop. I have 3 tardies already. In o-chem, the experiment, I sort've spilled a little of my compound, so my reaction went slower than other people. I had to quizzes today while waiting for the compound to boil. The professor told everyone to lift up the compound for the heat plate, but I somehow didn't hear it. She then told everyone to use gravity filter but I had to ask her what to do. She asked if I had hearing problems. At that point I was really scared, this was not the only time I screwed up, she might not like me anymore. Physics lab was the only thing that went well, 30-45 minutes and left. When I went to my car, sh*t I totally forgot to put my parking permit on my dashboard this morning because of the collision. There it was, a f*cking white envelope, marking a $25 bail for not having a parking permit. Goddamn what a bad day.

Life is very valuable, and at that moment when something bad actually happens, you only have a split second to recall what is most memorable in your life. So cherish everything and everyone around you. They are always there for you.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last night, the reason I went home was because my mom wanted me to put up an ad for the house at Sac. This morning I received 4 emails from people who were interested. Then when I came home from piano class, 2 people called me and one of them is going to take a look right now. My dad is over there. The other lady will probably go tomorrow. I'm going to Sac tomorrow. I'm surprised how many people actually contacted me. I didn't post any pictures, and they wanted to see them. I'll take some tomorrow. The carpet man was suppose to go tomorrow to change the carpet but he is busy, so it's delayed till next weekend. Everything else is pretty much finished. The house will be ready for rent starting February 16th. Thanks for the free ad.

Since I'm about to rent the house. I know you guys want to take a visit so we have to go next weekend, either before the carpet change or after, which means Saturday or Sunday. After that, I won't know when it is possible to have a house party. Here's what I thought about doing there, grab some food from Costco or Safeway. Then bring Mah Jong table, Amy's BBQ grill if she lets, my speakers, and a Volleyball. We can play ball outside, bang some music (which I'm counting on Kevin to bring), mafia and BBQ. Otherwise, we can just stay in SF and do some other stuff.

(The Ad)
$1300 / 4br - Newly Remodeled Housing for Rent at Sacramento
A gated community housing with 4 lovely bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, 2 living rooms with 2 car garages. Master bedroom and bottom level has a deck overlooking the backyard. Newly remodeled carpet, painting, and flooring. Eligible for Elk Grove Unified School District, along with safety environment and convenient two minute drives to Supermarkets and Malls. For any questions or details please contact Jimmy at (415)734-7442 or Annie at (415)734-7440.

There you go. =)
[Friday, February 6, 2009]

Today was pretty cool. I came home after school and waited for Kevin to tell me wassup. We went to the cow place (Eric, Amy, Ann, Kevin, and I). Then we hit up Andrew's work one by one, and each chipped in a dollar for the Super Lottery. Hope we get Jackpot. Then went to Kevin's house to chill. Went home to eat then went back. Met up at Pho place, then went to Kevin's and played Wii and listened to music.

I'm feeling pretty good now. It's been a while since I went out. It's all school for the past 2 weeks, and I needed the break. The only thing that is bothering me right now is my school work. I have tons of work I need to do. Each one of my classes are hard, and everyday there's homework. I haven't been getting my work done lately, which no one really knows about. I don't even know what I did when I got home the past 2 weeks. I will try to finished up all the work soon, but I know after that, there will be more and midterms will be coming up. Life is Hard. Fuck myself for taking so many hard classes. =(

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

time flies..

wow I can't believe it's February already. The month of January had been great. The first 2 weeks, when school didn't start yet, was awesome. I just realized that I haven't hung out with the group for the past 2 weeks. I miss you guys. I saw Eric on Sunday I believe, but I just helped him with homework that day, wasn't a hang out. Well yes, February have arrived, and time is flying. Well I should say there is another holiday approaching soon. Each time this holiday comes, I feel lonely, another year as a single guy. I envy each one of the couples I see at school, stores, restaurants, streets. If there is one thing I can change about myself, it would be become talkative. I don't usually start a conversation, and that's partly why I don't meet much people. I really hope this can change. Who knows. I have no idea what is going on that weekend, maybe spending time by myself but I heard Ron and Xiao are coming back that weekend. So I'll see what's up.
Oh yea, this past weekend, my home at Sacramento began repairing, it should be finished in about 10-12 days. I did some painting on Sunday, and my right shoulder was hurting badly these 2 days because of excessive lifting and moving plywoods. Anyways I hope it will look extremely sexy when it's finished!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

lunar new year!

School started on Tuesday. Every class went well, and so far I'm enjoying my English class (subject I not good in) probably because my other 3 are too hard. Physics, O-Chem, and Cell Biology. What crazy mother fucker would take these 3 major science classes at the same time. Well, I hope I can do well in these classes. Oh Piano was cool, but a little more than half the class are retired folks. I might be the youngest one.

[Friday, January 23, 2009]
After school, I wasn't sure if AAEK were hanging out so I didn't call them. I'm so glad E called by the time I was around Milbrae. So I went to Kevin's house and EK cooked for us. I think Amy did too. Thank You. We ate Quesidilla I think, and Tortilla chips with spinach dip. Amy picked a pretty damn good movie, but she had to leave for Ortho appointment when we were about a quarter into the movie. Also watched Jackie Chan's Supercop. I saw this before in Cantonese, it's funny seeing it in English, Tupac song lol. Then Amy came back, and I forgot what we did, at one point Eric was sleeping in Kevin's bed and Ann and Amy were sleeping on the sofa. I was just watching what Kevin was doing. I left for family dinner, which sucked! so badly, don't want to get into deal here, so much to say. Just went home and Tokbox I think.

[Saturday, January 24, 2009]
Went to Kevin's at 6, and messed around with his new webcam. Then had dinner with Andrew, Amy, Eric, Xiao, and Kevin at this Vegetarian place. Went back to Kevin's and chatted for a while. Had some high school memories. Gave 10s to a few people. Eric left around 11. We went to Classic and was suppose to bowl, but the wait was too long, so we went to Nations. It was fun watching Kevin and Xiao joke around. It was about 1 so I pretty much lost all my energy and didn't say much. And it was freaken cold. During dinner, at Kevin's, and Classic parking lot, I was actually talking a lot. I'm usually silent, but I guess this is a good change. Fucken Edmund kept rolling backwards at the light. He was 3 inches from hitting me. I didn't want to reverse but that short-ass made me. His car is stronger but I dusted him at Junipero Serra going into the freeway, he stopped at the light, I ran the yellow. He pissed me off, I don't want to hang out with him, even if I do, I'm not going to talk to him. Messed up our Pumpkin pie too...

Things have been running through my mind. I will no longer hope for what I really want. Life is so complicated. There is really no point in thinking about it when I can't really offer something in return. I do feel that I am able to, but things doesn't turn out the way I want to. This have to be agreed upon both individuals, but if one is thinking about something else, what's the point. Time to shift back to Junior year in High School where I was a nobody. All I did was go home and sleep. I will mainly focus on education and I won't doubt that I can't find that someone when I become successful. But the different part about Junior year is that I'm really glad I have the friends around me. I sometimes tell them a little about how I'm feeling and what I want to achieve.

Happy Lunar New Year! Time for a shit load of red envelopes. Yeyeauh!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Amy's bday!

[Friday 1/16/09]
friday started off with running at lake merced. im glad i ran it a few minutes less than an hour. then we went home to brush up and headed to kev's. then went to stones and then denny's for lunch. amy and ann didnt get anything. we then shopped at serramonte. i already had my gift, but ERK didn't. i had to follow amy everywhere and tried to ditch ERK so they can get their stuff. amy kept following them for a while but then ann helped so we went to starbucks and macys. went to kev's to wii a little and we played this jewel game, which was a first time. somehow by luck i ended up winning after losing many rounds. i also like the pictionary game, which helps me visualize what a word actually look like. went home for dinner, then went back out to go bowling. it was very fun. we played teams, (ken, wendy, amy, ann, john, simon) vs. (me, eric, ron, kev, and george). we tied the first but lost the second because ken was really good and they had 6 people. ken, ron, eric, and kev played another game after and ron scored 199, impressive, good job! my highest was 139. i think i might stop using ron's ball, gave me 90 first game.. second game was all from the pink ball. then we went back to kev's and we surprised amy with a strawberry mousse cake. cake was really good, then we went home around 3:30.

[Saturday 1/17/09]
i somehow had my alarm set at 10:00, and it woke me up. i remember amy saying yum cha at king wah. i called ERK up and see if they wanted to go. ron was really tired but still went, in PJs. damn andrew took the bill and paid it... we didnt eat much for some reason. gave amy the gifts at the parking place, then JERK went back to kev's house to wii. then i went home to do some stuff and went back to kev's. played jewel game, picked up eric, and then played mafia. i was freaken killer like 4 times. 3 times ann narrated. and the last time i was killer, ann pointed me out cause she knows how i react when im the killer. thanks for noticing me ann lol. it was really fun, but unfortunately i went home early at 8:30.

i dont get it.. my parents are getting really strict now. this is so not cool, and it's amy's bday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! CHERISH EVERY MOMENT. well i've been going out late for many days already this month. i've been caught chatting at 3am 3 days straight, there wouldnt be a reason why my parents would still let me go out.. i sometimes wish that i lived somewhere else. and SF is the place where i go to college, no parents around. when i am successful, i can guarantee that i wont want to live with my parents. i do love my parents for supporting me all the way. but i will either rent out or earn enough to buy another house to live there. i dont like being limited to the things i do.. hope this day will come soon.. =(

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

beach day

[Tuesday 1/13/09]
Woke up at 10:30 and my dad told me to move everything away from the carpet because we're getting the carpet washed. at about 12, they came and washed the carpet. the carpet was all wet and i didn't know what to do. kev called because he got out of school early, then eric came and picked us up and we had popeyes. i also called up amy and we went to the beach afterwards. we played volleyball for a while, and i was standing by the ocean for a while. then i watched sunset. we then headed to eggettes and i bought watermelon freeze. i was sort've quiet but wasn't really because i was thinking about something. then we all went home.
ron will be coming back on thursday night, and i can't wait to go shopping with him and amy. i really want shades. the ones my mom and dad have are ugly =D.

Monday, January 12, 2009

very sore

yesterday, kev, eric, and i ran/walked lake merced. i walked more than 75% of the lake. and this morning my legs were sore. went to sacramento and yum cha.
tonight we talked about relationships/love. iono this convo was good but at a point it made me start thinking about a lot of things. i can't explain. and it was weird, JERK and amy(the only girl) were in the chatroom, i wonder if our next hang out will feel strange/weird. sigh...

Friday, January 9, 2009


this morning, i was woke up by the doorbell at 10 but i went back to sleep afterwards. we, amy, kev, and eric had lunch with andrew at ABC. i ate lunch so i bought "ice cream hung dao bing". then we went to ann's house and the guys played a few rounds of call of duty 4. the girls watched TV outside. Then we went bowling. Amy's dad took her car to work so she didnt have her bowling shoes. we still went, and i did pretty ok. highest was 137 =D. even though we just played 4 games in like 2 hours, it was pretty fun. eric was quit during the last 2 games, i guess his finger was hurting. we talked a lot, and kev kept on coming up with these funny bday gifts for amy, so i laughed quite a bit. then i took everyone home because we didnt want to spend money on dinner. thats it.
oh yea, i dont have to go to sac tomorrow, so i think we're running/walking lake merced tomorrow. about time to exercise again -_-.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

zoo day.

today was zoo day. it is the first wednesday of the month so it was free. we saw lots of animals, and i loved the grizzly bears the most. eric took a lot of pictures of the animals. unfortunately we didnt really take any group pictures. we were suppose to meet up at 12 but we went to the zoo at 1:30. after the zoo, we went to kev's house and chilled for a while. then i had to go home. something is not feeling right anymore. i am not feeling that hyp anymore. once ron left, everything is gone. i wonder when i will get that feeling like the day during new years eve. i really miss that feeling. ='(
i feel like my day have been wasted. though i went to the zoo, the zoo wasnt all that exciting. we didnt really walk as a group. we shorta played follow the leaders, where ann and amy were the leaders. they kept on walking, fast paced too. oh well, we saw majority of the animals. at kev's we started wall-e but i wasnt all interested in it because its cartoon. i left so early because my mom kept yelling saying i go out too much. i guess she's right, its better to stay home, so eric took me home, i didnt want my mom to worry.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

final grades for fall 08

i just checked my final grades for fall 08. it's not official yet but i'm pretty sure the professors won't change them. i took cal3, ochem, statics, and english. cal3 and ochem i received A's, B in english, and a C in statics. 3.44 GPA. i now have 2 C's in my college career, which is not good. first one was in physics with cal 1. both classes involved physics, i still have a few more classes involving physics, i hope i dont get a C again.
i just thought about the cruising night again. i wasnt really emo at all. partly because i was quiet at ann's house was because of the food we ate at yum cha, i wasn't feeling well. eric noticed i think, he kept saying "FIREWORKS" then when we went cruising, i wanted to walk around by myself and not talk. i wanted to feel the breeze of embarcadero because it is my first time walking down there. kev and eric kept on annoying me so i just told them i was emo. maybe the stuff i said in my previous blog was true, but i guess i am very young. i trust in how god will lead my way to a relationship, so i can't really complain about anything, besides, yes i am young, long way to go. as of now, i dont want to waste another day of my break like i did yesterday and today.
tomorrow is zoo day, i can't wait, i hope it doesnt rain. the last time i was at the zoo was probably in a 3rd grade field trip. i will tell eric to take plenty of pictures. more about the zoo tomorrow, hayward time almost. bye.

SteamRiceRocket : alright guys brb, i got to blast a dookie!
SteamRiceRocket : FaTaL1tY!

Monday, January 5, 2009


oh god, that blog wasnt suppose to be there. im not gonna blog about those shit ever again. i crossed my personal info line. shit, too late to delete it now. but i deleted some parts, keep it to yourself, the ones who read it. i thought it was pretty late when i blogged so no one will read it. and delete it in the morning, too late. i didn't expect you guys to read it at night. it was like you guys were waiting for me to blog or something. anyways thanks peeps.

pretty emo sunday.

let me say something about yesterday. amy went to my house for the first time on friday. i was surprised when amy came along with eric, kev, and ron to my house yesterday. i like that surprise, we played ddr, mario kart, and brawl. i tried to get amy to play or see if she wanted something to watch, because i was scared she was bored. she said she's not so i guess so.

today, it started off with yum cha. today is ron's last day in san francisco, and he won't be back for about 2 and half months. i will sincerely miss him. i think i am the one who known him for the longest out of the group. i remember in biology freshmen year on the first day, in mrs. mariotti's class we were assigned in groups. that was when i met yvonne and ronald. we didn't know each other, and afterwards when i took the bus home, i found out that ron was on the same bus as i was and lived a block away. we started talking, and now we've became very very good (best)friends. i hope you do well ronald. i will give you all my support. why can't the break be longer. i want to hang out with ron more. this break was not enough. =(

after yum cha, we went to ann's house to hang out, watched a lil tv and ddr. that's when i started to be quiet. kev and eric noticed. amy knew afterwards. but here it goes. kev and eric kept on asking but i didn't tell them. we came across a show called parental controls. this show killed me. a girl picks from 3 guys who she wants to be with after dating... oh man, when will i get picked? girls mostly like good looking and funny guys. it's hard for me.

went to pick up eric after he dropped off his car, back to ann's for a while then i took amy home because she wanted to walk, and i didn't want a girl to walk 10 blocks in the dark. took kevin home and me and eric grabbed mcdonalds because i've been spending a lot of money lately. then i picked up everyone and went bowling. sucked, 86, 96. sorry i didn't use ron's ball. then went on a cruising trip to embarcadero which made me feel more emo, when will i ever get in a relationship? great places to go on a date. the view was not as nice as i expected. saw bay bridge and golden gate bridge, it was kinda dull. during new years eve at the hill up by kevin's house was much better. we got to see the whole city. if we ever want to see the view, we should go up somewhere high.

note: drove for the longest time today in my life. my house-> yum cha at irving -> ron's house -> ann's house -> eric's house -> ann's house -> amy's house -> ann's house -> kevin's house -> amy and ann's house -> classic bowl -> eric's house -> ABC restaurant -> embarcadero -> everyone's house ->home. it was fun cruising. my right foot hurt like hell. i love you guys. peace.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

great week

This is one of the most memorable week in my life. We hung as a group 3 times this week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and it was very fun each day. Out of these three days, I found Wednesday, New Years Eve the best. I've never, maybe don't remember celebrating New Years Eve before. Yesterday, we decided on Hotpot, but we couldn't do it at Kevin's house, so we changed it to my house. It is pretty far for Amy to drive over here, and since we need to buy drinks and food around Sunset, I picked up Kevin, Amy, and Ann. We went to bought food from Safeway and Sunset Super. We went to my house, and got all the food ready. Everyone was ready around 6:30, but we had to wait for Xiao and Aimee. Aimee said she's going to Xiao's place but we waited till 7 something and she called and said she couldn't go. Everyone was mad at Aimee, we were starving, and we waited for her. Anyways Eric picked Xiao up and we hotpot, then played Mafia. I had my PS2 and my DDR out. I remember asking if Amy likes DDR, she said nuh uh, but now I think she's addicted to it. She played right after Hotpot and wanted to play more. We went bowling and waited for a long time. Played a few rounds of Mafia, but the security stopped us. Then Edgar bowled with us, my first game was 119, second 93 I think. I don't bowl like this, iono what happened. I had at least 2 strikes and some spares in each game, but I fucked it up. Seems like a lot happened today, but I think New Years Eve was better. Can't really explain it, I'm sure you think so too. Peace.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years

Hey it's been exactly one month since the last time I blogged. There have been a few days within the past month that was really good. Half of the month went to studying for finals which I don't want to talk about as of now. Well I only remember what I recently did. Last week we (Andrew, Ann, Xiao, Amy, Aimee and the JEK, Ron was smoking) decided to go get dessert then go to someone's house and watch a movie. I picked up Xiao then Kevin but by the time we went to starbucks, it was closed so no coffee for us. Everyone else had coffee. Then we went to Safeway to rent a movie. It took us pretty long to decide on a movie. The cool thing is that I never knew that Safeway had a stand for movie rentals and it's only $1. Well we watched "What happens at Las Vegas" I think and Cameron Diaz was the main actress. It was fun, though Andrew left before the movie and Ann, Eric, and Aimee left after watching half the movie. Amy Xiao Kevin and I finished it as we stayed for 30 minutes extra and talked about Kevin's Tahoe trip. Mafia is a very confusing game. But it was very fun. Please figure out what the Angel does Kev.
On Monday we as a group all decided to hang out at Kevin's house. Including Andrew, Ann, Amy, and the JERK. Kevin and Ron made a video of all the pictures we took in the past year. A few video clips and pictures were very embarrassing. I was hellsa chubby last year. I wish I'm skinnier. Then we went bowling around 11:30. Played 2 games and I won both =). Pretty consistent now. My average on Friday was 126, and Monday I scored 125 then a 126. During the second game, we decided to make a bet. The 2 losers need to sing a song that the 2 winners choose, and we record it and post it on Youtube. I'm glad I didn't lose. Sorry for Ann scored the lowest, and Amy and Eric with a tie. Shooot, Amy needed 1 more pin to get off it. It would be nice if it was Ann and Eric lol. We back to Kevin's and we picked a song, they will sing Neyo- Miss Independent chosen by RON. Remember him lol. I chose Mrs. Officer =).
Tuesday I went to Sacramento, check out the house we just bought. It's 2 stories. 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, 2 living rooms. It's pretty decent, I might live there when I transfer to Davis.
Yesterday, NEW YEARS EVE. It was great. This time it was Amy Ann Xiao and the JERK. We were freaken bored the whole day, then when Kevin came back from SLO, we went to his house. Almost everyone brought their laptops over, and they were all HPs which is pretty cool. We (well I did) had the most expensive pizza ever. 2 X-Large pizzas and buffalo wings cost $70. It's okay, the one and only pizza place who delivers to Kevin's house, UP IN THE HILL. Then we played Mario kart. Then card games, Kent and Mafia. Kent is a very tricky game. We have to pick partners, come up with a signal to use when you have 4 of a kind to win a point. Each person would have 4 cards, then there's a 4 card flop, we continuously switch cards until we have a 4 of a kind, then we make the signal and the partner needs to say Kent to win a point. Or the others can say Stop "whoever" then there's no points. Kevin and Eric kept winning because of their stupid wink. Mafia, very interesting and fun game. We have a Killer, the King, and a Cop, the Jack, and the rest are normal people. First a narrator asks who the killer wants to kill, then asks who the cop think the killer is. We all open our eyes and narrator tells a story of how the person the killer chose dies. Everyone then guesses who the killer is, and if their wrong we repeat it and by the end, if the killer doesn't get picked, the killer wins. There was a few times in the beginning where I was the killer. Each round, I gave the same evil smerk face and during last few round, everyone still thought I was the killer. I did the narrating once and I messed it up a little. At about 11:45 we went up the hill by Kevin's house to watch the view and some small fireworks. It felt really good up there. For a few minutes, I felt emo, not really emo, more like thinking about yea stuff. We took lots of pictures, and it was really fun. Went to Kevin's house again and I fixed Amy's Tvb video problem while Amy Eric and Ann were practicing. New Years Wish - Hope to hang out as a group for every single Holiday from now on. I am very glad I have this group, this group is awesome, there's always entertainment. Such as Kevin's crap talking, and Ann and Eric's flirting. Well I think this if good enough, see you next month. lol jk, I'll try to blog more. Peace.